Chapter XXXV

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Over the top, emotions were stacking on top of each other. Waiting for them to all fall down and waiting for an outburst. This was Harry's emotions, they were not stable at all. For the past few days as Louis stayed over barley any words were spoken. They didn't know if it was one of them or just the tension between the two. They both didn't like this way – they were closed up. Locked up tight and no one was giving in and breaking the chain that kept them together. The problem wasn't getting solved and this was not okay.

Harry was sitting on the couch when a thought occurred. What if Louis was lying about other things as well? Would Louis do that? What if he never really cared about us being together? This went on until Harry got a pounding headache and fell back on the couch, frustrated with himself.

Louis felt a completely different emotion. He felt abandoned and lonely. He was surrounded by everything of Harry but still felt like this. Did Harry want to leave him? Would Harry notice if I just got up and leave? So many questions were unanswered and Louis wish he could find his voice to speak. Every time he wanted to tell Harry something his voice wasn't there, Louis felt maybe he had to break down to speak his mind. So that's what he did – he slowly hit the wooden floor. He let his emotions out because you should never hold them in, he started crying. It was the silent type of crying, Louis needed someone but no one was there.

Harry didn't know what was happening just in the hallway a few meters away from him – his other half crying. Harry swore he would never let Louis cry, especially because of him messing up everything. Then why wasn't Harry there? Harry never felt so scared, he really didn't want to leave Louis. Yet he felt the need – what if he was suppose to? Who stays with a person who lies and sleeps around while your in a relationship?

Only Harry Styles does. He smiled at his own thought.


Later that day the sun was about to do down, it was close to nighttime, and the cold air never felt so good. Louis sat on the grass outside Harry's house, staring at the orange sky. A few cars passed as Louis let out a breathe he was holding, he felt as if he was under water all the damn time. He felt drowning but he was barley breathing. Harry sat beside him, nether of them looked at each other though. They knew there limits right now.

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