Chapter XXII

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a/n: Comment for a chapter dedication 

Song: Some Days - The Maine





 Why does it seem some days feel like lemonade? Sweet and sour yet it's a nice feeling? You get used to those days. They come and go. So why are so many people worked up with those days? Is it only because they're used to it or they like the feeling? Either way when those days come it haunts you. Haunts you because life is funny and weird, most of the time, and sometimes it works out. Will it for Louis and Harry? Hopefully. 


"So use of illegal drugs, sleeps around for money, &  robs people?" Louis didn't have time to sit down on the couch after getting inside from burning the picture. Acting like a little kid stomping on the half burned picture wishing Harry never saw, wishing that Louis didn't see either. Louis never said anything back, just like his whole world crash around him. Harry meant so much to him but Louis couldn't stop him from ranting. Feeling hallow, dead, not existing he just sat there like he did when he was a teenager. His mom's words from the past and Harry's word's now just are mixing together into a potion that Louis will soon drink and it will kill him emotionally. 

"And I thought I knew better! Hell I fucking - I just can't right now. Louis how? Why would you? I thought you knew better? I thought I knew better, Louis I thought you were different," Falling down on the floor sobbing a bit Harry felt emotionally drained. Why is this coming up now? When they just got back together? It doesn't make sense, life is turning into to many directions and making Harry and Louis choose. So many choices could lead to so many advantages and disadvantages. But what path should they choose? 

Like in the past they both broke down, just this time it's in the present. "I am different Harry you don't get it! Whoever told you this shit must be friends with Liam and Zayn, they are fucking ridiculous," Hair pulling with both of them happened - it was like they were connected. Connected meaning they were made from each other but when will they know that? Are they even made for each other? Will Louis leave or will he stay? Harry wishes and Louis' wishes are the same, yet they didn't know that they're thinking the same. 

"Who is Zayn and Liam? And don't fucking lie Louis," pointing at him Harry didn't like the feeling of being betrayed. He absolutely despised the feeling, another thing that was eating him up. Felt like he was being pushed around. Louis didn't like feeling helpless, no one believed him anymore. One word or message about you and others will talk shit behind your back and use it against you. "Harry I wouldn't lie to you about this, nothing I have said or done with you has been a lie it's just bloody hell Harry I fucking love you and you're breaking me," standing up during the speech Louis wanted Harry to get this in his mind, "It's fucking unhealthy Harry and I hate it." 

Walking away seemed like an amazing option as of right now. So Louis followed that option, it seems like the rolls were switched now. Instead of Harry leaving it was now Louis and Harry knew how his other half felt when he left that day. Harry wanted to break down crying, beg for Louis to just come back and kiss him, to forget the world and all the shitty people around him. "That's it? You're saying you loved me a second ago and now you're leaving? Is that what you do to all your little clients? Take their money and go? like it's a fucking job?" At this point Louis lost it and yelled. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Harry I know myself more than you do, I have done shitty things in the past only because I needed the fucking money. I never knew where the next meal would be coming from, we would barley have anything! I had to help and I just gave myself to people, okay? I fucking hate myself for doing it because I messed with the wrong people. I get it, okay? I mess up. I'm a fuck up, I get it," with tears in his eye's Harry just made Louis cry. Harry just made Louis cry. Someone who is perfect shouldn't cry, ever. 

"I get that I slept around and stole money from people but I was stupid and vulnerable and wanting food. Wanting to keep something that keeps my family and I warm. It was stupid. I met Zayn and Liam through it and they made my life worse. I owed them for a few things and never gave them their money and they made my life worse. I- I can't help the past," crying more seemed the best idea to do - to let it all out, "I can't help the past I'm sorry." Louis was having an emotional break down and no one could stop him. He laid on the floor with his loud sobbing and him wiping his face every second. Harry wished he would never see it again, it was heart breaking. And your heart can only break so much that you finally crack. 

"No no no Louis don't think that I'm just fucking stupid, trust me I would know I've been told," holding Louis in his arm's and sighing sadly at the crying boy made Harry cry. They never knew that when they met this would all happen. With four years of talking and finally meeting they wished things went in an even better direction than this shitty one. Hearing Louis sobbing to the extreme it echoed in Harry's house, Harry was quiet as ever, crying, showing weakness, it's never ending. 

"I love you too babe but we need to work this out, you don't have to tell me more about your past. It's most likely hard to talk about it's just that picture made me fall down and cry. The fact that knowing you went through that make's me, it make's me-" Crying more Louis stopped to listen to Harry fall apart once again. It's all happening in circles and it's giving Louis a headache. "Love," setting his hands on Harry hands covering his face he moved them to see him - they both looked like a mess. 

"Listen you're not stupid, were fighting over something we cannot change. Let's forget about it okay? At least try? for me?" nodding they both smiled at each other. Sitting up Louis' back hurt from the wood floor and looking over at Harry he was still crying. Tilting his head up Louis kissed Harry. Two, three, and four times, he knew Harry needed it. Smiling a bit Harry got more happy as Louis kissed him, he needs someone like that in his life all the time. 

"Please stay?" asking Louis, Harry felt crazy for asking a question that's already answered, but he needed to hear it from him. "Always, always, always. The only time I'll leave is when you tell me too okay?" This time Harry kissed Louis and they were finally happy for now. "But Harry when you left that day, what happened?" Harry looked out of the living room window seeing it raining and the dark skies, it matched his mood, and they were back at square one. 


A/n: Thoughts? 

Tell me if you like how descriptive this chapter is and I'll write like this more often :) 

Thoughts on why Harry left that day? Remember he got texts from someone! 

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