Chapter IV

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Comment for a chapter dedication.


Hey Louis?"

"Yes H?"

"If you know Madonna's real last name or talk about football like it's lame then I don't need no carrying on." Louis groaned not this song again! It was getting so annoying but hearing Harry sing was the best part, the song choice could be different though, he thought.

"'Cause you know that you're gay you wanna suck cock! You say that your straight but we know you're not. You are so far in the closet that you have found your Christmas presents." Muttering cuss words Louis loved Harry singing but he has sang this song so many times.

First it was texting the lyrics then with them calling each other for the first time Harry sang along to the song and it was getting on his nerves even though Louis couldn't help but laugh. Oh boy he loves Harry.

"But seriously I miss you." sighing Louis looked at his phone.

"We have been talking for 5 hours how can you?"

"You were quiet and I starting singing because I miss you." Awing Louis couldn't help but smile.

"I miss you too cupcake."  

They talked till it was about two in the morning and Louis was 99.9% sure Harry was passed out, but he kept muttering 'yeah' and 'okay's' under his breathe when Louis couldn't stop talking. Louis was also pretty sure that he woke up everyone in the house by laughing at silly things with Harry.

"Love I know you are super tired just go to sleep." hearing shuffling in at the other end of the line then hearing his voice like he was wide awake. "No I'm still up, c'mon." Harry was pleading Louis because Harry was really fucking tired and glad he didn't have a proper job that made him get up early and wear a uniform.

"Okay whatever you say, so what do you want to talk about now?" Louis questioned playing with his jacket zipper. "I don't know.. do you have a job?" Laughing Louis denied quickly. "No not yet but how about you curly? Singing perhaps?"

"I write songs, singing is a no though." Harry always got compliments on his singing voice but never wanted to try out singing as a career. Little did Louis know Harry wrote songs about the blue-eyed boy and has been writing about his voice, because damn he could listen to it every second of the rest of his life.

"You should though I love your voice." Smiling huge Harry looked down at his hand, blushing a little.

"Oh please.... stop lying."

"Why would I lie?"

"I don't know maybe cause we make jokes all the time and I don't know if I should believe you or not." speaking of jokes and pick up lines...

"Hey Louis what do you think of me?" Harry was curious yet Louis didn't believe him now since he brought up the topic of joking around. Louis decided to joke around and mess with Harry because he loves hearing his reaction, "Well I mean you are an asshole a little." Hearing Harry fake cry made him smile.

"Yeah. I'm an asshole, but will that stop me from getting in yours?"

Gasping, in a faking matter of course, Louis doubled over in laughter. Which of course was Harry's new favorite sound from now on. Harry could only imagine seeing Louis right next to him, maybe just maybe, he could also get to hold him for the time being.



I don't know where this story is going right now but oh well. I hope you have a good day/night :)

I have decided I dedicate this whole book to @bella_15snow because she is the one who kept me writing ya!

Also to the lovely @PolaroidLiam because we have been getting close and hopefully we can have a fan fiction out by the both of us :)

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