Chapter XVII

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A/n: Comment for a chapter dedication!  (don't be shy now) 






Not everything goes as you think it will. One second happy another second scared. Confused. Angry. It takes one person in your life to screw you over. But you always loved them because if it weren't for the past you wouldn't be you. 


Harry's POV 

Taking a bite from the ice cream cup I got Louis, it was freezing to my teeth. Seeing Louis watch me while I ate the ice cream was quite funny. Louis gave me a funny look then took the ice cream cup and ate it for himself. Grabbing Louis' hand in mine he smiled. Letting go of my hand, after awhile, he took another bite to finish off the ice cream and when I grabbed his hand again it was freezing. I didn't mind. Swinging our hands back and fourth I felt like I was a little kid with my mum again. I just hope I could get Louis to smile for the rest of the day. 


Getting to Louis' house was quick, but it felt like forever with Harry. However when you put Louis and Harry is a small space you will definitely get sassy remarks and cheesy pick up lines. Not a shocker when Harry randomly said one out loud. Louis kept poking Harry and giving him a smirk every time he made a sexual pick up line or innuendo. This made both of their days. 

Getting to Louis' house and getting inside Louis started to make lunch for the both, which ultimately was just sandwiches. Louis was honestly just lazy so they both agreed on it. Harry was looking through all the covers from the couch and got tangled into them, as always. As Louis walked out of the kitchen Harry fell. Harry swore Louis called him 'Bambi legs' but he wasn't for sure. By hearing a plate get set on top of the coffee table and hearing a quiet laugh, Harry smiled. 

Getting on his knee's Harry saw he sat on his phone. Picking it up and gawking at the cracked screen Harry felt stupid. "Your small bum cracked that phone screen! What the hell?" Running a hand through his messed up hair from the wind, Louis shook his head. "What are you calling little? Have you seen your ass?" Giving a unexciting look on his face Louis turned his body to look at his ass. "You either got an ass or you don't. You better love it or leave it honey." Snapping his fingers in a z formation Harry waved it off and grabbed Louis' hand and pulled him down to the floor. 

"Look who fell for me." snickering a bit Louis got on Harry's lap straddling him. Putting his arms around his neck puckering his lips for Harry to kiss him and he finally did. Kissing along Louis' cheek, down his jaw, and down his neck. Getting to his collarbones Louis felt he got closer to Harry by from him kissing everywhere. "Oi what did I tell you about love bites?" Louis could feel Harry smile into his neck when Harry said, "Nothing at all." and finished up the love bite. 

"I just want to stay here and never leave your lap." Snuggling closer, if that was possible, into Harry Louis could stay like this forever and a day. While Louis got more comfortable onto Harry's lap and they both started eating their sandwiches Harry eventually got to look at his phone. Looking through notifications from Twitter, Instagram, and Phone calls, to messages Harry froze. His rocking back and fourth, out of habit, Louis saw he stopped and questioned. "You okay love?" placing his small hand on Harry's face Louis was concerned. 

Moving his head to hit Louis' hand in a small gesture to say he was okay, Louis dropped it but promised himself to keep an eye on Harry. Opening his messages Harry didn't know what to say. There was about over one hundred messages. This was just utter bullshit Harry said in his head. His mood suddenly dropped that one word he hated. The word "Suicide." hit Harry in the face, it played with his emotions insanely. If he didn't find out why this person was trying to get inside his head once again it will drive him overemotional. 

Setting his half eaten sandwich down, it felt as if his blood turned cold. Harry felt like a completely different person. Grabbing at Louis' hips, just enough to move his other half off of him, Harry started grabbing stuff. "What's wrong?" Seeing a frown on Louis' lips Harry felt bad saying back 'nothing'. Putting on his watch, putting his phone in his pocket, and getting his boots on Harry was at the door, he opened it and stopped in his tracks. Louis knew he was lying about saying nothing, and Harry knew he hated his mixed emotions and his mood swings. Worst of all he made Louis sad, and Louis should never be sad. 


a/n:  Chapter good or no? 

Sorry for the long wait I was caught up in getting school done and I felt bad reading so many fan fictions without updating this because I promise myself at least one update every week. Any who more drama and more drama coming up aye :)

What was your first Larry fan fiction? Mine was the iconic Detention.  

ily .x 

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