Chapter XXXII

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Comment for a chapter dedication :)


Life is never perfect for long, just remember to try to keep sane... if you can.


"Boyfriend can you kiss me?" Biting his lip, Harry felt he needed to start calling Louis by the name. He loved the sound, seems like his partner did too from his smile. "Yes boyfriend I can." Giving Harry a small peck on the cheek Harry turned so he kissed Louis on the lips.

"Cheeky cheeky cheeky love," He sat next to Harry on the small couch. The sun was out today and they both could easily get a tan from the random hot weather. They, although it's nice out, decided to stay inside today. Louis complained it was "too hot for his liking," then Harry make a small joke about needing vitamin d. Without thinking Louis replied with saying he already had his dick, and that he didn't need anything else.

Sighing, once again, they don't know what to do. "We should have gone out," Louis replied as Harry's thoughts were everywhere. "Hah says you Lou." Holding his hand, they just stared at Harry's telly in silence.

"It's just maybe we need to get out more that's all, doesn't mean we don't have to go now." Grabbing a blanket from Harry and pulling it over his head Louis was soon to sweat from the heavy material. He pouted as his blanket was taken away from him, "Hey find your own." Harry managed to pull the small blanket back towards him, it caused Louis to almost fall off the couch.

"We're acting like we're ten can you not."

"Can you even act like you're over the age of 16?"

"What if I don't?"

"I dunno."

"How about you stop sleeping with a blanket and we'll be both even?" They agreed to that.


"How can you be so happy?" Harry asked. Louis was currently running around in the sun with his arms spread out. He fell in the bright green grass in the middle of a football field, and sighed happily. "Well Harold you just got to be happy once in awhile, depression shouldn't take over your life. Same with your past." Sitting up Harry stood in front of him. Harry's shadow covered Louis' figure that's still sitting on the wet grass.

"Very thoughtful boyfriend," he gave a small nod before holding out a hand for Louis to take. When Louis got up his jeans were all wet, one joke was all it took. "You're wet for me." Harry said, a little too quiet. "Shut up please," wiping his bum from the grass, it seemed like his jeans would take forever to dry.

"Do a handstand, Haz."

He gave Louis a weird look, "I haven't done a handstand since secondary school... I still couldn't do one then, how do you expect me to do one now?"

"Just try."

Harry did what Louis wanted, and he fell, on his back. And damn it fucking hurt.

"I'm so sorry. You okay love?" Louis fell to his knees by Harry, he moved his hair from his eye's. "Yes I'm fine. Just don't ask me to do it again," laughing together they ended the laughing at the same time as well.

Grabbing his phone that fell out of his pocket, god knows how that got out of his skinny jeans pocket. Looking through his notifications Harry stopped at one message. Why would he be contacting me? We haven't talked in years. Harry thoughts took over.

Harry called the number and he heard two rings then he answered, Louis sat confused. Harry looked worried, and he hated seeing him worry so much.

"What happened?.... nothing......WHAT! Wait wait I'm coming just give me a few minutes," fumbling with his phone to end the call he finally managed to get up from the ground. "What's wrong!?" Louis yelled as Harry ran away to his car, Louis followed him. "Harry? Please answer me." He finally stopped. He didn't turn around but you could hear him start crying. "Haz?"

"My mum."

"What about h-"

"She's gone."

"What do you mean g-"

"She died Louis. She committed suicide.... just like Gemma."



Who tops? Harry or Louis? ( I need to know for the last chapter ;) )

btw for the ending of this story, for the original ending, it will be sad but they'll end up together. I will also make a happy alternative ending where they end up together. No sequel though, but I will keep writing more Larry stories :)

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