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Thanks. You lovely people decided to click on my story and read it! Even if you never voted, or voted once, commented once, or never I still fucking love you! You gave me the best of thirty-five chapters :)

Now its my time to dedicate this last chapter to EVERYONE.

P.s. If you want to stay and get a sneak peak of my next story that I'm going to publish, keep this book in your library and wait till I upload a last author's note.


Opening my eye's and not wanting to get out of bed - this have been my morning's ever since I was with him. I was, once again, back at my mum's house. Every morning she would go to work while I watch my sisters. Rubbing my eye's I finally get up and get dressed, ignoring the talking from outside my door. Finding my phone tangled in my duvet, the screen was cracked. "Shit - wait what?" Turning my phone around I was left confused. "Since when did I have this shitty phone?" Dropping my phone on the ground my hand caught some of my hair and I tugged. The screen most likely cracked more due to the fall, but I didn't dare touch it.

Loud laughing came from outside my door, then the door was opened. "Lou! Mum said to get up and ready for school, we'll be late for the first day!" Fizzy saw me and froze for a second. "Hey you okay?" I didn't know what to say. School? I've been out of school for quite awhile now... is this some sick joke they're playing on me? "Uh yeah just go ahead without me I'm feeling kinda ill today," his sisters left without another word.

Louis couldn't think, his mind was blank. What did his sister mean? Was Harry having a weird day too? Louis was about to go back to his room to text Harry but stopped himself; the phone he found was the same phone he had in 2010. What was it doing in his room? Especially five years later when almost everything is at his house?

"Louis, love why haven't you gone to school yet?" All Louis did was start to cry a little. "What year is it?" Hearing his mum say a small what, like she didn't hear him. It wasn't that - she was confused on his question. "What year is it? Mum," He finally turned around towards her and saw the tears. His mum held him in her arms, she responded with saying "It's 2010 boo."

Louis didn't question it after that. He didn't even recognize himself with the slighter higher voice he had, or his horrid hair on his head, not even the clothes he had in his closet. Feeling no emotion in his body he felt senseless. He laid on the couch, covered in blankets, not moving. When his sisters got home he didn't speak to them, he just turned over and fell asleep. The last thing he heard was his mum, calling out saying dinner was ready.

The next few days went like this. Louis barley ate and stayed in bed, his mum was sure he was getting more sick. All Louis could say was he was missing him, and Jay had no clue who this 'him' was. Louis felt like a puppy who just got abandoned & he was missing his owner. Jay just watched as the days passed, it was especially hard to see him go to school sick. He would come back and complain that he has too much homework to catch up on and go to his room. Teachers called and said he got other students sick, and they told her to keep him home for a few days, Louis came home even more mad. Louis only knew that was all a messed up dream he had with Harry. Because of the said dream he was forced to do school work he already did, however Louis broke down that day.

A month passed and it was close to April. The sun came out more and about every kid was outside except Louis. He hardly wanted the sun to see the sun shine through his window, he was in a cloud of depression. Inside his own bubble; if anyone got close he got an attitude with them. "Can you just fucking go away, please mum?" If Jay knew anything she should of left him alone but she was done with all of this. He started cussing more and more and his mum just ignored it - knowing she couldn't change that.

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