Chapter XVI

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@bella_15snow (btw check out her larry stories they're the best <3 )

comment for a chapter dedication! 


It's not like Louis wanted to end up like this but it just happened. Four years of knowing someone he had never seen before and just took in his personality. It was actually nice coming home from friends or having a small job and talk to someone about your day. Hoping the person on the other hand would just listen and not judge you, and Harry did that. However, not everything is as happy as it seems, so much could happen in the next second and it will crush your life. You got to live your life to the fullest because the world could crush down on you and you could get hurt. 

Louis tried to live his life to the fullest, really he tried. Not looking back into the past was a hard idea because the past is what made you. For Harry it was the opposite. Always looking foreword hoping certain horrible things come to an end, and always hoping the great things get even more better. Letting go was harder, especially if you think hard at night. Which in two different worlds, two different minds, two different people, have never been a better match together. Sitting down and waiting for something to change in your life is like putting on a song and not listening to the song while it plays. If you want change in your life you have to make it happen. Louis & Harry did that change, who knew one text would make your life better. I mean things can change in just one second, one word, one gesture, or even one person. 


Watching Harry try to catch a skittle in his mouth by throwing up in the air seemed impossible for him. Seeing it his eye and hearing him complain made Louis laugh and it make him spill the little bag of skittles. Watching colours of small skittles roll on the concrete Harry slapped a hand on his face. "Really Lou?" Biting his lip, Louis quickly apologized. "Sorry I just like to make a mess." shrugging it off they both got up and walked down the street hand in hand. 

"Like this small date Hazza? I have more stuff planned so I'm excited." Talking yesterday after walking home Louis decided for him take Harry out on a date, not the other way around. Harry never complained about it.  "More things? Like what hmm?" Poking at Louis side they both laughed at how Louis jumped at the touch. "Yes my love now let's go this way." Pushing Harry to walk forward towards his car they were going to the Brighton Beach. Once in the car all you could hear was music coming from the radio and the breathing from two people. Who, of course, shared glances at each other and even if you were blind, you could still feel the strong love feeling in the air, lingering around. 



Walking down to the beach there was a beautiful sunset in the sky, like a whole rainbow of colours. Enjoying each other Louis couldn't help but always stare at Harry whenever he got the chance. Harry never noticed, and Louis was glad. Staring at the water far away Harry watched as the water moved back and fourth. From the corner of his eye Louis was getting something out of his skinny jean pocket, seeing him struggle was the best thing Harry saw today. "What you got there Tomlinson? Need help?" Give a small glare towards Harry he finally got what he wanted out of his jeans. 

Holding out a lollipop towards Harry, Louis snickered a bit. "You blow me away." Taking the lolly from Louis' hands Harry didn't laugh at the stupid pun, Louis swear he smiled looking away though. "Was that a sexual innuendo?" Taking the wrapper off the lolly and putting it in his pocket Harry realized he didn't have his phone. "Hey I don't have my phone." Putting the lolly in his mouth and patting his pants pockets, it just disappeared. "You sure it didn't fall out of your pocket while you were sleeping or something love?" Agreeing with Louis it could of. 

"Hey I got a pick up line." 

"Sex is a killer. Wanna die happy?" 

"Oh god Harry, oh wait I got one. If being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged!" 

"You think I'm sexy?" Biting into the lolly there was a tootsie roll in the middle of it. "Of course Harry," Patting his cheek Louis tilted his head to the side, closed his eyes, and smiled big. 

Walking closer to the water Harry and Louis help hands until they got to a spot away from people randomly walking around. Sitting down on the sand Harry pulled Louis between his legs and rested his chin on Louis shoulder and sighed, happily. "My baby." pushing his head towards Louis and pulling him closer Louis said, "I'm your baby?" Louis' heart could burst from all of this, honestly. He wanted to take Harry on a date but it seems Harry has turned this all around. Louis wasn't complaining though. And Harry wasn't lying about calling him his baby, because well it's true. 


"Harry I told you not to buy these for me." Holding roses in his hands Louis felt speechless, no guy has ever done this for him. This makes Louis heart beat faster, it's so sweet. "It for my baby of course I had to get them." Kissing Louis quickly they both smiled at the same time. Running a hand down Louis' arm and grabbing his hand Harry pulled Louis back outside ready to go back to Louis' house. Harry never wanted this date to end, or to stop smiling. This was his best idea yet. 



A/n:  Yay I love fluff 

I felt the need to update so here you go :)

I love when harry calls louis his baby aslhgtyker

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