Chapter VI

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Pushing Louis to the dark alley way he kissed Louis again, again, and again. Harry couldn't stop and Louis didn't want it to stop at all. Hearing a small moan from Louis, Harry wanted to do even more, but Louis thought the other way around.

Pulling away Louis pushed Harry back a little and grabbed his hand, "Love people are starting to notice us." Biting his lip Louis looked back to people walking the streets, slowly, but very aware of everything around them. "Aw someone's embarrassed." Blushing Louis just pulled foreword bringing Harry so they could get back to Louis' house.

"Someone is super eager for me to meet someone." Louis stopped causing Harry to bump into Louis. "What? No unless you want too?" Looking up at Harry, Louis held onto the grocery bag from the store tightly in his grip.

"Don't you think it's to soon?" Pushing at Harry and huffing air out, it sounded like they have been dating secretly behind everyone's back. "Gee it sounds like we are dating." Walking and getting almost to his house Harry finally broke the silence.

"Hey baby?" Feeling a sensation in his stomach it felt like the pet name was meant for him, "Yes?"

"What's your sign?" Before Louis could get not even a letter out Harry smirked.  

"Is it Caution, Slippery When Wet, Dangerous Curves ahead, Yield?"

Hearing Louis let out a small squeak in surprise at what Harry said, making his cheeks red, it was definitely not from the cold outside.

"Stop with that Harry, please."

"My penis is like a dictionary want me to blow your mind?"

"Fuck Harry stop with the dirty and suggestive pick up lines, are you also into dirty talk? I wouldn't be surprised."

Nodding his head Louis breathed out "Kinky," and smiled at Harry himself. "So, what are the chances of my balls slappin' your ass tonight?" Walking beside Louis he lowered his hand from his lower back to his bum, and Louis didn't mind at all. But the pick up lines was a bit to descriptive because there was kids around as well.

Jabbing Harry in his side with small hands Louis grabbed Harry's one hand from his bum and held onto his hand. Standing up the tips of his shoes to reach Harry's ear he whispered, "Maybe I will let you have me hmm?"

"O-okay lets meet your mom then." Following Louis to his house Harry was sure he should use more suggestive pick up lines, for sure he loved seeing Louis blush.



I hope you like this short, but cute, chapter!

so Louis is 23 in the UK and I'm like )): right now

happy birthday to my love <3

question: you doing anything for Christmas or just staying home? 

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