The Hurtful Night

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I was known for being a very pure and kind girl in my first life, I would have been able to marry and choose between my love- listen to my feelings and head , but being a supernatural changed every 'living' inch of me. As soon as Elijah grew up I could tell how interested he was with me, the way he looked at me, talked at me, I was so enchanted by the noble brother but I also had a deep feeling towards Nik. He was so bold yet soft, strong but sensitive- when he was 17 all I wished was for me to be married to one of my Mikaelson boys. I knew the feeling was mutual... Nik took me everywhere- and talked to me about everything- Elijah's thoughts were crystal clear and so were his notes and glances. Exactly the thing they did the night before I turned 18.


I had been waiting for my birthday to come and it was only a night away, I went down to feel under my pillow and I felt a bit of parchment. It was folded up very neatly and I could faintly see the writing. I knew whos handwriting it was, Elijah's. 

"Chessie, I love you." 

This was nothing like what I was used to from Elijah's love letters, it was quite overwhelming and definitely wouldn't help me sleep. At least Nik showed up at the right time- 

"You need to help me get my mind off something Nik." 

"I may have an idea." He smirked at me.

"Chessie my dear, please hurry up," he dragged my arm into the woods and practically threw me onto a log.

"That's no way to treat a woman!" I shouted playfully.

"Well your not a woman yet!" he replied back.

"I'm not the one who dragged me into the woods for no reason!" I came back.

Nik stared at the ground for ages until he finally looked up, "I had to take you somewhere Father would not find us..." 

"Nik- you don't have to be afraid anymore, I will protect you from anything-including your father." 

"I know- but Chessie I- I-" 

"Well hurry up then!" 

"I love you Chessie!" blurted out of his mouth.

I was speechless, starstruck. I remembered the letter from Elijah- but I swear he loved Tatia, that worthless doppelganger. I had a choice, the human girl would've picked in a second but who had I become. All that was playing in my mind was the romantic 'dates' Klaus had taken me on and the intimate meetings and letters between Elijah. It hurt, so I did what I did best,

"I'm really sorry Nik." I felt cold tears running down my cheeks as I ran back through the forest. I was a coward. 

"Mother, mother!" I cried. 

"What is it my darling?" she said, concerned.

I wanted to tell her so bad and the words were hanging behind my lips until I felt a pain run through my stomach. It was like a million knives were slashing my belly, I fell at the pain but Elijah was there to catch me. 

"What is wrong with her mother?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

I remembered what Elijah and I had done a couple of days ago and dreaded what was hapenning, I also remember the necklace he gave me. It had the simple of a dove in the pendant and I may have added a little magic- from this point onwards, if I was wearing it I would trap the memories- the good and bad. If I ever was reborn this would travel with me and I was the only one who could de-code it. 

I was slipping and in a lot of pain. 

Mother didn't respond to Elijah she just laid me down and spoke some witchy words; I knew exactly what she was doing, a pregnancy test. I was pregnant with Elijah's child. I was panicking, the amount of thoughts running through my mind the decisions. 

 I spoke to my mother through my mind...

"Mother, I am going to tell him, then we are going to get rid of it, I cannot deal with the trouble this baby will cause- too many secrets will be exposed, too many problems."

"I understand Chessie, I have a special remedy to kill the baby harming no one- it will be pain free for both of you. Also, I know what they said to you in the woods and under your pillow, it is going to be difficult I know but I know you love them and they love you. This is for the best." 

"Thank you Mother." 

I started to whimper and tear up as we finished our conversation, I pulled myself up and pulled Elijah's head into mine, he stared at me with the eyes that I would never fall out of love with. 

"Elijah, baby. We made a baby." I cried and cried and cried.

I could see his face light up and it only made everything worse. 

"Well this is amazing Chessie, you'll be 18 and we can be wed, then start our own family..."

A dove landed on the roof and peered down into the room, god this haunts me.  

I kissed him and cried, kissed him and cried. It was one of the most painful things of my life to erase his memory of the baby and it was one of my biggest regrets to take the remedy to kill our child. 

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