Moving Cities

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We found ourselves on a big ship that started to sink, I had no clue where we were or what was hapenning. 

"Why couldn't you make the bloody coffins easier to move Nik!" Rebekah complained as we were transferring our other siblings onto a completely random ship.

Kol and Finn were the least of my problems, "I'm just bloody hungry- do you want me to desicate?" 

"NO!" Elijah was quick to answer. Things grew more and more awkward with the one who wears suits. He seemed to avoid me in every possible situation unless I mentioned anything about harm or death towards me. 

"Ummm-well- I guess- hang on... I hear pulses on that ship. I'm too hungry to pass the offer up. You coming bex?" 

"Right behind you Chessie!" 

One by one the men were swept away by us and screamed until we had sucked every drip of blood out of their bodies and threw them to the back of the ship. One was left- Elijah insisted we leave one to be our crew or at least tell us where we were heading. 

Rebekah wiped the blood of her cheek whilst she spoke to whoever the hell was on the boat: "Hello, lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey." The veins in her eyes popped back up whilst she was speaking. I had to cut in...

"Can I eat him Elijah?" I begged.

"I would rather you didn't Chessie. There's no need to be afraid- you'll do exactly as I say:" Of course Elijah was going to compel him. "You will remember nothing," and as if it were magic- he said back-

"I will remember nothing," In a really thick French accent. 

Then Elijah went on "We have had a very long journey, where in which we lost all of our crew. Therefore, I will ask you to kindly transport our belongings to the shore."

The French man had the nerve to say- "What kind of hell demons are you?" 

I had to reply with; "We're Vampires Darling, the Original Vampires. I'm Chessie, Rebekah, Elijah oh and those two in the boxes are Finn and Kol-"

"Are we saving the best till last luv,"

Rebekah finished for me: "and our half brother Niklaus. 

I turned to look at him whilst he was holding a crew member down, his face covered in blood. 

"Ignore him he's a beast." Rebekah said followed by Klaus laughing then throwing the body at my feet. 

"We've fled Europe and survived the seas, would you rather I arrive hungry on our new homeland?" Nik proclaimed.

He threw the body on the ground and sped to land next to me, I recieved a kiss to my cheek.

"Niklaus, your manners are as always without equal. Sir, would you be so good as to tell us where it is that we have landed." Elijah asked. 

"The French colony of Louisiana," he said shakily. "off the shore of a town they have named... New Orleans."

"Thank you so much." Elijah added, "Oh and I do suggest you find further assistance for the luggage." he added. "My sincere apologies." 

And sure enough this town named New Orleans was going to be a very remarkable place.

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