Moving In

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Words can me nothing, but sometimes they can mean everything. Our families motto, always and forever was an exception. It was our life, I can guess sorta how Elijah roped Nik into showing him it was me. 

I found out we were staying at the governor's old house, I lifted up a blanket and coughed at the amount of dust underneath it. 

"You alright?" Elijah started to walk in. 

"Just dust, I'm not used to coughing." I smiled at him, "This place is ancient to us," 

"Yes it should serve our purposes. Do you remember the hustle you bargained the Governor for this house. Right now- you are the most important person in this family Chessie."  He stood next to me, "You need a good home." He took a break and walked away. "So I'm curious, in all this time has anyone asked you how you feel."

"About having a miracle baby with someone who thought I was dead for god knows how many years which I though was some stupid one-night stand?" 

"About being a mother," Hearing him say this reminded me of the baby I once carried, Elijah's baby. I was starting to think and regret. 

"Well in this life, I- I was abandoned when I was born and my adoptive parents kicked me out as soon as I turned into a wolf. So I don't really know how I feel about being a mother because I never really had a good one." 

"I will always protect you, you have my word on that." I stared into his eyes,  I wanted to cry.

Then of course Nik came in, "and noble Elijah always keeps his word."

"Is it done brother?" 

"As a matter of fact, yes. Your underhanded deal worked quite well. Marcel was only too happy to accept my blood-" 

"Wait but you're-"

"I broke the curse angel." Klaus responded..."Mystic Falls proved quite helpful for that. Anyways, even as he accepted my heartfelt apologies. His man Thierry yet lives and I remain a welcome guest in the French Quarter. My only concern now is you Chessie. This coven of impudent witches happens to be my biggest problem."

"I believe them to be honorable, they did realease Chessie to me." Elijah was quick to give him matter. "Although, they haven't been entirely forthcoming. Marcel obviously has something that the witches need. They don't want him dead, there must be a reason why." 


Elijah had disappeared and it made me concerned- he would never promis me something and then leave me. I heard someone at the door. I walked down the stairs trying to hide- I had no clue who it was; a very familiar face strutted through the door. My face calmed itself then smiled- "Who the hell are you?" I said playfully. 

"I'm assuming your the maid... Chessie." Rebekah replied.

"Bex! I've missed you!"

"Well you've certainly been busy with yours and Klaus' miracle baby. So you're a wolf now?" 

"Yep- and it took a long ass time for my Dad to finally send me back. God I was so worried about you when I didn't even make the car journey." 

"You nearly killed me too sister. Anyways, I was expecting to see some kind of magic baby bump- I guess you're not showing." 

"Nope. Not yet."

"Where's Elijah?"

"I was just getting to that, here we were making epic promises to never lose me again and protect baby and then he disappered... That's not like Elijah at all." 

"No- you're right- it isn't. Klaus! Get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!" 

Two doors flew open and Nik came walking in, " Enough with all the shouting. Little sister, I should have known. I assume the six dead vampires were your doing."

Whilst Rebekah was catching up- I heard a whisper. It was like I recognised it but I had also never heard it before. 

"Chessie- darling. Yoohoo?" Nik started waving his hand at my face. 

"Alright alright I'm back, now what the hell have you done with Elijah?" 

"Perhaps he's on holiday, or taking a long autumn nap upstairs. Well go on- take a look around. We all remember this house, perhaps better than I."

Nik had gone and Rebekah and I were left, well that's what I thought. We went downstairs into the governor's secret basement- the old coffins were lying there all lined up. I saw Rebekah's coffin. 

"It's worse than I remember." I could still read minds and thoughts and when I turned to Rebekah- all I could see was fear. 

"Welcome back to the family Chessie, I would suggest you take yourself and the baby out of this city and run as far away from Nik as possible- I bet he's already ordered another coffin for you." 

"Sounds like a good offer but the witches have put some kind of curse on me- as long as I'm carrying the baby... I can't step foot out of New Orleans. "

"That might be a good thing," I heard a voice come down from the stairs. Rebekah went to slam her into a wall but then she cracked her neck. 

"Look I don't want any-" Before I could finish she placed her hand on me and ran thoughts through my head. "No- this isn't possible, you can't be my sister." 

"Your father's Cade right? He traps you in hell then sends you back- well he's been keeping me there for a long time ever since I tried to overthrow you. I've been looking for you Chessie." 

"Could I at least know my younger sister's name before we get personal." 

"Oh yeah! I'm Maiya." 

"Ok so, how comes I haven't seen you before and what are you now?"

"Sucks to me but Dad only gave me the powers of a witch- I mean seriously- you get to be a wolf and I'm a witch. Rude,"

Rebekah started to get up- sorry for the family get together but we have to find Elijah.  

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