The Decision

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If you didn't know- my mother had an awfully big secret, Niklaus wasn't Mikael's son. Esther had lain with a werewolf, yep Nik was a werewolf. This all explains his temper but not the abuse from Father. Esther really trusted me because I was the only one who knew. Not even Klaus himself knew. Of course I was supposed to help him, but I have never been a werewolf before as in I have never killed anyone so I had to keep it a secret from his as well. I knew nothing and nothing at all. 

So I'm explaining this to you because it all started on the night I ran, I heard an awful noise in the woods and I knew by the full moon it was werewolves. They were very good at killing people especially people who stepped foot on their land. Yes, I stared one right in the eyes and looked at what I was and what I had created. I was scared but also felt safe, they were my blood- my family. However, one of them looked as if they wanted to kill me. One stepped towards me and I blurted out-

"Please, I'm Chessie Halling- I don't know if you know me but I am the first werewolf, my father was Cade. I don't know if you know the story." I was talking whilst my life was flashing before me, but then all of a sudden, it just left. A couple minutes later I heard a scream. I knew that scream. 

I woke up and had appeared back home to a fuss outside our door, I went to see what the chaos was and I fell to my knees at the sight of Henrik my youngest brother, dead and covered in blood. Nik was holding him in his arms and everyone was speechless. I knew what had done this. My bloodline, werewolves. 

Mother was crying non-stop, no-one could stop her guilt and the same was said for Niklaus. I knew this was my fault so of course I would try and do my classic, majestic run to the woods before I was quickly stopped by the sight of Elijah and my least favourite doppelganger. This genuinely stopped me from going any further. This was the last time I would learn to not face my obstacles or more specifically Elijah's lovers.

I went back to Mother after she disappeared only to find her searching rapidly through the spell boys we had wrote and found over the years and I saw the pages she was pulling out. Remember Cade didn't make me a vampire straight away but being the devil has many perks- like fate. 

Esther was going to create the first vampires in the universe and I was included in the family meaning I was included.  She was scaring me and I saw her face lighting up every second. Naturally I screamed. She was quick to cover my mouth. 

"It is going to happen Chessie and you will need to keep your werewolf identity hidden-"

"-I will not let you take it away, I know what you have planned for Niklaus."  My hand rose up and a great wave of power rushed through me before something stopped me. I had a bright idea as to who it was. 

"Your lucky my real father shows interest in you, and how much I love and respect you Mother." 

Mikael walked into the room and Esther explained how and what she was going to do. She spoke gently at the end : "I will not lose any more of my children!" 

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