The Original Hybrid Returns

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I remembered everything when I gasped for air. I felt my neck and remembered the witches and then I remembered my daughter. That's when my motherly senses kicked in, I could feel her... Literally. I knew where my baby was and I was going to find her, I also needed to find the solution to complete my transition into a hybrid. I remembered the hunger, and I felt like my old self. 

They were keeping her in the cemetary and I had some clue of what they were going to do with her, I had to find my baby. I was passing by all the different corners and turns but this place was like a maze. I heard two familiar voices and knew it was probably best to let them know I wasn't 'dead'; my ears were so bloody sensitive, they sounded ten times louder than normal. 

They were talking about moving faster but I knew how to get her back: "Or smarter..." I interrupted Nik. 

Elijah looked at me as if he had just been resurrected from the dead too. He cupped his hand round my head and ran his fingers through my hair. 

"How are you here?" 

"I woke up in the church and remembered what happened, I knew what I needed." 

Klaus looked up and down:" You died with the baby's blood in your system. She needs to drink her blood to successfully transition into a hybrid."

"Let's not worry about me, I can feel her. My baby is here." 

"I will kill whoever did this to you." Nik mainly demanded. 

We marched out of the graveyard house that I found them in and I led them to my feeling. I saw my daughter and the three witches and ginger was holding a dagger above them. I screamed and somehow managed to knock the dagger out of her hand: weird. 

The two harvest girls started chanting and raised there hands out, only for the ghosts of the witch ancestors to appear before us and knock them out. 

"Go to hell Genevieve! Wow, what an uneccessary time to remember your name!" I swung myself at her but she created the dreaded ringing in my head. Nik threw a broken gate at one of them and she was dead within seconds.

The other Deveureux decided to let go of the ancestors and grab the dagger for herself- she created a boundary of fire around them and I screamed once more before I spotted the dark object which created a thousand cuts to kill the enemy. Marcel was standing behind us. He vamp sped over to the baby and ran off. 

Nik put a hand on my shoulder and promised me: "I'll get our daughter back." 


Elijah and I didn't speak to each other when we found Genevieve and tied her up in the original tomb she was buried in. 

She rambled on about how our own Mother dearest decided that they had to kill my baby, something about the curse. I wasn't paying attention. I was desperate to kill her...

"...Tell Klaus I'm sorry. They're coming for me- I can feel it." Blood was running from her eyes and nose, "You have to understand- I just wanted to live." 

I rolled my eyes and drew the dagger from under my dress. "Yeah, well I'm not." I jammed the dagger through her heart and walked away. 


I walked back to the same spot they tried to kill her and sat on the step. Gazing at the floor. 

"You have to learn to love the old me. She's a completely different person, I mean if you don't want to you don't have to...." 

"Your sister called me earlier, when you died. She sounded like she could kill someone; I could've killed someone." 

"I don't even know if I can drink her blood to complete the transition Elijah."

"I could never live with myself knowing your baby didn't get to know you. I could never live with myself knowing you wouldn't be here." 

I didn't say anything, I just wanted to see my baby. I didn't know it was possible to love something this much. Elijah wasn't my daughter, he never actually told me that he loved me. How in the hell was I supposed to put his life before mine. 


We got to the house, I ran through the doors and saw dead bodies scattered around the living room, the fountain was filled with blood and all I could see was my daughter in Nik's arms. She made my heart stop. 

I walked over to them and Nik stood up and lifted her into my arms, her hands were desperately trying to grab me. I couldn't hel but giggle. 

"My baby..." I smiled. 

We took her upstairs and whilst Elijah was cleaning, we had to discuss her name.

"Zoe? Caitlyn? Jessie? Katherine?" I knew how riled that would make Nik after the dreaded Katerina Petrova. 

"God no." He chuckled. 

"Our little girl is finally here Nik, she's our family's hope. Hope! That's it. She's the miracle baby, she is the one that will unite our family. She is our hope." 

"It's perfect... Hope Mikaelson." 

Elijah interrupted us, "We have to do something about her, she has inherited all of your enemies Niklaus. Chessie and you would only be protecting her from monsters all of her life." 

"I don't want my daughter to grow up trapped in this house." Klaus firmly told Elijah.

I was rocking Hope in my arms, I was listening to their conversation. 

"She's always going to be in danger..." 

"Not if no one knows she's alive," I walked in on them... I started tearing up and my voice cracked. "I made a promise to my daughter, that she would not grow up like I did. She would be safe and always feel loved; she would never have to worry about the problems of her family. Our Mother is already hell-bent on killing her and her own mother has to drink her blood to turn into a hybrid. Even when I'm the one that loves her the most." 

Klaus stood up and kissed me on the head, Elijah was saying how wrongful and uneccessary our idea was...

"There are three people that I would trust to raise my daughter whilst we help make her home safe. You, Rebekah and Maiya." 

"I'll call Rebekah straight away." Klaus said walking off.

Elijah brought over a pin, he drove it into Hope's thumb and she started to cry. I brought her thumb up to my lips and felt the veins rise in my face as soon as her blood touched my lips. 

I had to give her away- I could trust my sisters. It was going to take too long to get over this. 

I ran into the bayou and turned into a wolf. It was easier to control the hunger and pain like this. 

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