The Original Vampires

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It was hapenning, I was going to find out truly what my father gave to me. I knew this would change me, but I didn't know how much. We were all forced to drink the blood of our father since Esther used him to have the remedy to make us. We died with the blood in our system and when we woke up- we became The Originals. 

What we didn't know was that we had to drink the blood of a human to complete the transition the hunger inside of me was louder than anything but as soon as I got my hands on a human, mother pushed me away... 

"Chessie to keep your gift of telepathy and your werwolf nature you must drink the blood of a werewolf to complete your transition. I have found you one- take him into the woods and fully drain him then you shall become the first hybrid and Oldest Original Sister."

I was too hungry to pass the offer up, I ran into the woods with the man and drank from his artery, the pleasure of the blood was overwhelming and the hunger was impossible to stop me- I drank and drank and drank. When I lifted my head off his neck I saw the dead body beneath me, and most importantly I felt a pain in my stomach, I triggered the werewolf curse. I had successfully become the Original Hybrid. This means my bite would be fatal to anyone-even my fellow originals- I was the most dangerous thing on the planet. 

Now here are the perks of being an original vampire; 1. We start our own Sire Lines from now on. 2. We can use mind control to make victims forget and since we are the first,other Vampires, 3. We have super speed and super strength (it gets stronger as we get older) 4. The most important- we're immortal.

Also I have my own little perks; I already explained the venom part but I would be able to turn into a werewolf free will. I would have double healing powers (forgot about that part) and a normal white oak stake wouldn't kill me, so as a normal vampire you need a stake to kill them, original- white oak but me.  I don't know what could but I knew I could still read minds and thoughts with the avid talent to control them. 

Now onto all the bad things, 1. We can't enter a house unless we are invited in, all our fellow villagers are terrified of us and lucky for them we were shut out. 2. (this doesnt apply to me)  They can be killed with the wood of the white oak tree. This is because our mother used part of the white oak in the spell. Which proves the next part. 3. Vervain prevents compulsion and burns us- let me tell you vervain hurts like hell (to be fair wolsbane is probably less painful). 4.Then there's the hunger, it's hell literal hell. I can control drinking but I can't control the hunger. I mean if I wanted to I could kill someone. But anyways- that's how the originals came to be and thats's what revealed my true nature.

No one knew of my werewolf abilities obviously, but sure as hell did Nik I had just finished turning- pain free (another bonus-thanks devil dad) and I heard this awful screaming and cracking with my new super hearing. 

"God, my ears are senstive at the moment could you not!" I screamed than I realised who it was, I ran over and sure as hell was Nik , his bones were breaking one at a time. He had triggered the curse.

"Father it hurts!" Nik cried. Mikael came running. 

"Are you ok Chessie- what has he done- did he hurt you?" Mikael came running towards me.

"Father I am fine but I need to help Niklaus!" I tried to stop and help Nik but Father stupidly held me back. I felt my fangs tense up and my eyes turn yellow.

Elijah came running and father put out an arm to stop him coming any closer.

"He's an abomination! A beast! A bastard." Father spoke. I couldn't contain the tears behind my eyes and I fell to the ground- but for the first time in 4 years Elijah spoke to me: 

"Chessie? Chessie? Chessie!" 

The concern in his voice was comforting but I only heard him shouting my name before I woke up. On a table where my mother was taking some blood out of me...

"You said you weren't going to take it away! Are you going to take it away?"

"It's not for you my daughter- it is for Niklaus." 

I threw myself off the table and ran to Nik, Father grabbed me of course but I had to put up a fight. I screamed and fussed and kicked and heard Nik cry.

"Elijah, help me brother!" Elijah turned his back on Niklaus and took me out of my Father's arms. 

"Shh, Chessie calm down I'm here." I was distraught and Elijah was repeating that over and over. My eyes must have been bright red from the amount of crying and screaming. I let mother take away his werewolf curse. 

It was at this moment I thought I didn't belong in the Mikaelson family. 

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