Sisters Beat All

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There is a lot to catch up on. First of all... Nik's ex Aurora De Martel was back in town and the new villain in our story- along with her brother Tristan and Nik's old friend Lucien Castle. 

I'm glad that I missed out on that period of history. 

Maiya and I had found our werid Sisterly Devil bond and I effectively would be a constant source of her power and we both would be able to sense each other. 

Elijah and I were barely on speaking terms for a while, we defeated our mother and our wicked Aunt Dahlia. 

I had also found out about Elijah's sire line community called the Strix and how he had an intimate relationship between one of the 'queens' of it. 

Then they wanted to break the sire lines, they only managed to break Nik's and that's also the reason why him and I had to go undercover to run away from all his evil sirelings. That was also the time I got to see my favourite ex of mine- Stefan Salvatore. I'm very close to all the important people in Mystic Falls. 

Then I was held captive by Tristan after I tormented him. They also killed Jackson in front of me. Now you're all up to speed. (Oh and that Cami is a vampire now). 


I was sitting by the fire after Elijah had caught me killing all the people that helped take me and Jackson down. I slowly started to develop feelings slowly... and then he died. Jackson didn't deserve me- I betrayed him. 

I heard Maiya's feet behind me. 

"Hi, no demons ate your toes last night?" It always cheered me up to share our comedic jokes with each other. 

"Chessie, you have to stop greiving. You're sorta' scaring me." 

"Maiya... Jac-"

"Don't give me that crap. You never loved him. I know who you love and I think it's time you told him," 

"You weren't around when I was actually with one of the brothers. I ended up keeping one of them as a sideshow but my heart never told me who I loved more. I'm the girl who can't choose over the Mikaelson brothers." 

"I think that one of them cares more about you now." 

I looked up at Maiya and realized what she had just said. Thinking about it- Nik sold me off to marry Jackson in the first place. He hasn't told me or tried to tell me that he's loved me. He hasn't done anything remotely romantic. Elijah walked in. 

"I'll see you later." Maiya left the room. 

He handed me a piece of crinkeled paper and I took it from his hand. I unfolded the piece of paper and recognized the handwriting... 

I saw all the names I had wrote down but this time they all had a line neatly crossed through them. He came and set next to me, brushing the tail of his suit behind him. I crushed the paper in my hand and tossed it into the fire. 

"I love you Elijah. I always have loved you." I said those dreaded words and I really meant it. Elijah loved me more than Nik, I was 99 percent sure I loved him more than Nik. 

"Jackson just died... He died because of me. I have too many feelings, but everytime I want to go to you- I see him. I have to let you go." 

I sniffed and wiped my eyes as Elijah got up. "You know, I tried that. Didn't work." 


I was now in the car with Klaus on my way to find out some mystery werewolf slaughters, we were searching through the same offices in different loactions. 

"We've got bloody nowhere. Hey! Little wolf?"

"Sorry Nik, I've just got a lot on my plate at the moment." 

"I think that that envolves E and someone else- oh yes me!" 

I smiled at him but then realised that Nik and Elijah were what had been keeping me stressed. 

"We have to go, I want to get back in time to have dinner." I quickly changed the topic. 

"Whatever you say luv." He smirked at me. 

We walked into the building and tried to compel the receptionist. I heard her panic voices in her little head and knew we were in the right place. Before long lots of security guards showed up. 

"You wanna go?" I asked Nik.

"Ladies first." 

After a few minutes, Nik and I had slaughtered everyone in our way and led me through a door. I was shocked to see werewolves with venom extractors filling the room. Most of them looked dead, there was also a vampire who was really dead and looked terrible. 

I heard a heartbeat. 


After some conversation I knew what was going on: "It's lucien. Nik it's Lucien."

"The cures, the sketchiness... The teaming up." 

"Lucien's been the threat all along." 


So turns out that Lucien was planning on making some sort of super vampire with all 7 venoms. Just like me- he used Freya's blood and Vincent with the power of the vampires to create it. 

They had to kill Davina to access enough power to kill Lucien for good. 

He was holding me at heart-point in front of Nik, he told him to kneel in exchange for not ripping my heart out. 

"Nik don't do it..." I whimpered, but he did. In exchange for me he kneeled. 

"I love you Chessie." 

Then Freya showed up with dead Davina's power. 

Elijah appeared and I immediately ran away: Nik caught me.

"Chessie, I know I'm part of the reason you're not running into Elijah's arms. I've already got to experience loving you. Go and be with my brother. I'll always be your backup." A tear rolled down my cheek and I gave Nik one last kiss. It was a memorable kiss and my necklace started to spin. 

"That must mean this is important." Nik laughed. 

"Do you mind if I interrupt?" Maiya came out of the corner. 

"Sisters beat all." I rolled my eyes at her. 

"I'm glad that nothing at all is stopping you from being with Elijah- I have to admit I do hate both of them though." 

"Of course you do. It's a good thing your older, stronger sister loves Rebekah." 

"I don't want to see you unhappy, go and be with Elijah." 

"That's excatly what I needed." I pulled her in for a tight her and zoomed away to go home. 


Elijah was sitting on the sofa- a glass of whiskey in his hand. I stood admiring him for a while whilst leaning on the door. 

He turned his head whilst swirling his glass, he spotted me of course.  I walked in and sat on the sofa next to him. He looked confused, I didn't know what was going on. 

I took the glass out of his hand and placed it on the table. He lifted my hand up and pressed his lips up against my skin. I leaned into him and pushed my forehead on his. I got closer and closer before we looked up to stare into each others eyes; I bent my head down slightly and he kissed my forehead. I felt safe, I felt loved.

I snuggled up closer and leaned my head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arm around me and put his head on top of mine- rubbing his hand up and down my back. 

Cami was dead, Jackson was dead, but Elijah wasn't and I loved him. 

"Thanks Maiya."

"No problem, anything for you and the idiot." 

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