A New Beginning

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As Niklaus:

My big brother was so predictable, I was always going to hate him a bit for making me compete over Chessie... Which meant that I would always have to keep up when it came to the only girl I would ever love (with the odd exception). 

Being in the car was hard- Chessie was silent and practically naked the whole ride and Elijah was busy thinking about her (he was so predictable), I wasn't per say thinking about her- I was just wondering about us having a family and a normal life for a change; this was the first time I saw her since she had been 'dead' and I never reallu thought about it before. I was also still wondering about what she said to me though, about how much pain she was in when she saw me in pain and how jealous she was in when I kissed Tatia. I have to say- she was different now, I liked this new Chessie (not that I didn't love her before), she had this certain fiestiness and fierceness about her now along with her old perks.

"Brother, keep your eyes on the road- we have precious cargo." Elijah directed me before realising what he said. I expected a reply from Chessie but I couldn't turn around whilst driving- I was sensible on the road.

"Well someone seems to think big of themself!" I laughed at myself. Bloody hell, this was going to be a great car ride.

As Elijah: 

We had finally arrived at the house in France after a very long journey, it was a very beautiful city and the one which we had settled in. However, we were planning on moving somewhere very soon, we couldn't keep living like this and our Father and the locals had learnt of our ways; we did end up finding what we had been looking for though... Well we would finally be able to settle somewhere and hopefully for longtime. 

Nik got out of the car first but didn't notice Chessie fast asleep across the back seat- that explains the silence. I never noticed how beautiful she was when she slept, or in only just a coat and mine at that. She wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon so I decided to carry her into my bed ( I didn't need to sleep tonight, well that's what I planning). It was midnight and my eyes could barely stay open- I needed to sleep after all, I got caught unlocking her necklace and I mean I did invent the password and it led me to fall asleep next to Chessie. 

As Chessie:

I finally started to wake up and opened my eyes slowly, until I looked down next to me and found Elijah  asleep under the sheets. 

"What in the bloody hell!" I ran out of bed grabbed some clothes and went downstairs to make coffee. It was a rough morning because all I could remember was the fact I had just slept with Elijah- wait did we? No! We can't have... Jesus Chessie. 

Nik came downstairs and I panicked which led to me running straight to him and I hugged him so tight- I think I might have broke a bone. Nik grabbed me back and we must have hugged for a couple of minutes.

"Good Morning Luv!" He said smiling, "Any reason for the unexpected hug?"

"Guess I was in a good mood this morning!" I sort of was but I would've preferred if that was Nik not Elijah next to me in bed this morning after all- Elijah broke me not just my heart and after our talk it didn' t seem like he had missed me much.

"Is that a certain sister I hear?" Rebekah said walking in.

"There's my favourite girl!" I said back to her.

"Don't worry Chessie, I didn't tell you where they were.  A certain witch was able to break your protection spell; and a certain someone threatened that girl's family unless she broke the spell."

"That's my Nik." I smirked after I said this and felt something inside I hadn't felt in a long time. Love. I couldn't make the same mistake again- it was time to wipe the slate clean. This meant falling in love again- so I kissed Nik and it was amazing:

"I will catch up with you two later after I finish packing!" Rebekah said quickly before super speeding away.

"Nik, I'm never leaving you again- I'm all yours..." Our kiss grew more passionate and he started to lift up my top- "Hey, wait till later we have to get ready to move."

"Wait-how did you-" 

"Telepathy remember. You're gonna have a freaky girlfriend." 

"And a beautiful one at that luv." 

I had to let go of his lips eventually, we were going to find somwhere better, somewhere where we could call home.

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