Unlocking the Past

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I had grown into quite the girl with a reputation, and everyone in the supernatural category knew who I was. It was a weird year the 1700's, I had heard about the famous doppelganger Katerina Petrova and how she nearly hooked the Mikaelson brothers. It didn't really upset me anymore. The most upsetting part of it was losing them in the first place. The lasy thing I remember watching the family do was burning the white oak tree and them holding a funeral for Henrik and I.

I was in Mystic Falls, it was a safe town lots of humans- werewolves, witches; I made some deals exchanged some spells and most importantly searched for a town to settle in. I had a problem though- apparently people were looking for me. I had no clue who and no clue why. My guess was people trying to get something out of me. My Father, Mikael, had become a vampire hunter and chased the other Mikaelsons down, he knew I was alive but mainly hunted down Klaus. I had no clue where he was and how he died this time or if he was even still alive. It seemed I was too ready to settle down because Kol Mikaelson himself found me. 

"Sister, how nice to see you!" I heard him say as he ate my driver. 

"Kol! How nice to see you but how annoying of you to eat the person I find most useful right now..."

"Well I can't disappoint my older sister can I? Plus you never told your favourite sibling your secret! You didn't tell me you were part dog or the part where you were alive?" 

"My dear Kol, will you drop a message off for me?"

"Chessie, in what world will I do that for you!" 

" The one where I can kill you in a bite or maybe the one where I can compel an original?" 

Kol ran off (I'm guessing of fear) and I thought nothing of it- I got back to drinking and singing, yes I had a certain talent for singing, where I was interrupted by a certain vampire:

"Rebekah, I have missed you! Where have you been little sis'?" Ok I admit it, I had stayed in touch with Bex and no-one knew about it. 

"I came here to warn you about my brothers, the truth is they haven't been trying to find the doppelganger- they have been trying to find you Chessie." 

This hit me. After all these years after everything I had done they had been wasting all their time trying to find someone who was dead. So many thoughts were rushing through my head, all this time I was trying to run but I realised I could never escape it... Remember how I was talking about my devil-dad and fate, well I think that fate was to stay with the Mikaelson's forever in fact we made a pact that I broke and it was time to repay that debt- always and forever. 

"Bex- I have to repay them, I realise what I've done and the promises I have broken, Bex you have to tell me where to find them..." 


It was a weird location to be, it was some sort of cellar underground, I had no clue where in the hell I was but I followed Bex's instructions. I wandered around the place, and noticed chains on the wall- "What the hell is this place?" 

"You ought to know that luv. I mean it's not like you have no clue huh?" 

"Nik!?" I had no clue if it was really hapenning if the one and only Niklaus was back and sure enough he was. "For your information I have been avoiding you for 700 years I had to let go sometime but don't ever remind me." 

He placed his hands round my face and turned mine towards his- "I understand luv-" (I know he calls people this all the time but it really does make me tingle) "and we have been waiting for you to come home and be alive, but after the last centuries you didn't and then today..." 

"I believe brother you are trying to say- when Kol found you, centuries of worrying and despair had been restored." Elijah walked in as if nothing exciting was hapenning but when his eyes met mine he seemed to have a certain joy on his face. 

"Would you mind if I catch up with you individually boys I have a lot of different issues to dicuss..." And sure enough they did- I spoke with Nik first and made sure Elijah went far enough to not listen. 

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