Mistakes are Made

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"Why did you..." 

"I know what you're gonna say and please don't."  I had to cut him out before he said leave me.

I'm gonna fill you in on something- I didn't leave by choice, Esther was actually planning to get rid of my powers and experiment on me so I had to choose between my powers or the two men I was in love with but I thought they were not at all interested. 

I carried on:" Nik I had no choice! I'm gonna set the scene for you ok? You are making out with a freaking doppelganger bitch- I'm left heartbroken. Wait oh yeah! Then Elijah and her make out near the pig sty... Oh and wait did I forget the part when your mother tried to take my devil powers and werewolf stuff away! Nik I couldn't bear to see you in pain so of course I ran and never stopped."

Nik stared at me and teared up, he was crying. "I thought you were dead Chessie! DEAD!" he screamed at me and I thought he was going to hurt me.

"I'M SORRY FOR THINKING THAT NO ONE LOVED ME ANYMORE!" I threw him into a wall and placed myself onto a rock on the floor and thought about all the years I had spent , those moments when you thought they had found you. I was an idiot, I should've found them- I was a Mikaelson through and through and I would always be one. 

Nik started to get up and he said to me: "Chessie, I never loved her you idiot! I love you- Chessie why do you think we have been on the look for you all these years!" I ran up to him, ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him. 

"God I've missed this." I don't know why I had waited all these years , I still had another brother to deal with and I was dreading this one. So Nik left and Elijah came.


"It can't be you Chessie. This isn't you. This isn't the girl I love, she would've come back." You know it hurts when you hear the brother you love more than anything and anyone say it's not you and your're not the one he loves. I wasn't weak anymore, I was going to show my feelings and that was going to happen by running over and placing his hand on my face, I let him get into my thoughts to see the masses of pain I had been through over all these years. 

"You wanna torment me anymore Elijah- go ahead! You've tormented me enough over my 700 years away from you! Are you trying to kill me or turn me away? Go ahead!" 

I think I hit a nerve- because he tried to leave- we ended up in the middle of the woods, it was the perfect opportunity to show Elijah what I have to endure. One by one my bones started to crack, I screamed and screamed and screamed until I became a wolf. A fluffy big dog who could kill Elijah Mikaelson. He jumped back onto a tree- but of course I would never hurt him.

I bowed my head to him and lowered the front of my body to the floor. 

"What?" He sounded so confused yet emotional. 

I didn't want to stay a wolf too long so I broke back into my normal body. Now heres the thing about turning back- you rip all of your clothes off. I was standing naked in front of him. I stared at him for a while and grabbed his coat off his back...

"The Chessie you knew is not gone, and this Chessie is very much still in love with you." 

I ran away from the woods in nothing but Elijah's coat.

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