Love In The Air

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Nik had always been in love with me. When we were little, he used to bring me back flowers from when Father had made him hunt and fight. Then now, we were going to have a baby together- and he just kissed me after nearly strangling me...

I had left Rebekah and Maiya together, I couldn't super hear them anymore but I saw a window which let me snoop into what they were doing. 

"Hey Rebekah. Sorry I had to snap your neck earlier. I needed to fill Chessie in on the blanks. Um- Did she say anything to you?" 

"No, nothing daft. She gave me Nik's daggers, she's the best sister ever." 

It was so obvious that Maiya had feelings for Rebekah, that would put me in an awkward place- they would both be my sisters. Who am I kidding? They were perfect for each other! I was still trying to snoop before Nik walked in.

"We haven't had a chance to speak since you know-" 

"Get to the point, please." 

"Chessie- I-" 

"What is it Klaus?" I didn't mean for that name to come out of my lips but it did and the amount of darkness and sadness I could feel was overwhelming.

"I'm sorry- it's just what you did earlier and whatever the hell you've done with Elijah... It was scary and I'm not used to seeing what you're like without me." 

He grabbed my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

"I was never without you, and I'm not going to leave you again because I don't want you to know me without you. Chessie- I can't lose you again." I could feel it coming, he moved down to my waist. I mean I couldn't hate him I was going to have a real baby with him finally- probably not in the way I had imagined all these years ago but-" I love you Chessie..." He muttered. 

I didn't pass up the opportunity to gain one of the brothers again and even though I wasn't positive about doing this or positive about my feelings towards him- "I love you more Nik."

I pulled him close and kissed him just like I did before- I ran my fingers through his hair and the kiss grew more and more and more until he pulled his head away. 

"Nik?" I was so confused- did he not love me?

"Chessie- I have to tell you. Elijah, I gave him to Marcel." I was phased but not entirely angry.

"You don't need to explain but you don't need to justify it." I walked out and he caught up to me before picking me up in his arms and carried me to bed where I fell asleep with him watching me.


Someone was jabbing me in the middle of the night. I started whining and moving around until I opened my eyes and saw Maiya hanging over my head like a bird.

"Why the hell did you wake me up- I could've happily ate you in my sleep but because I'm nice- what do you need lil' sis?" 

"Well um- I might've kissed Rebekah," 

"I was two minutes to seeing it, and anyways. I kissed Nik and I don't regret it." I threw my back onto the bed and smiled.

"You're so weird." Maiya smirked at me. 

"You're weirder- witch!" We broke out into pathetic giggles and she hid under the bed whilst hearing my bedroom door open.

I slammed my eyes shut and pretended to be fast asleep. I was more scared than anything and Maiya was under the bed- heavens knows how she was going to keep quiet under there. 

"Shut up Maiya- I'm not joking you. Don't you even dare even start to giggle." 

"Calm down Chessie- I won't!" 

I felt a hand run down my face and lift up the covers over my neck. Then I felt lips against mine and a gentle hum- I recognised that voice, of course it was him.

"You know I'm not asleep Nik." 

"Well I also know that your sister is under the bed." 

"Out you go Maiya." I swooped down. 

"There's a free room next to my sister's!" Nik shouted as she was behind the door.

I smiled at Nik, "So what are you doing here?" 

"I was thinking of a new nickname for you, I think I finally have one my little wolf." A tear rolled down my cheek and I kissed him. He climbed under the duvet and wrapped his arm around me. I placed a hand on my belly and fell asleep in his arms. 

It was the first night in this life I truly felt like I belonged.


As Maiya:

I had just been kicked out of Chessie's room after Klaus had decided to appear. I mean I had no clue about their relationship but dad said something about her being deeply in love with the Mikaelson brothers. I wasn't really interested in the brothers- more the sister.

I heard Chessie and Klaus talking and decided to stop snooping after things seemed to get a little private. I heard Klaus tell me about a room next to Rebekah's- I guess he really wanted to win my sister over. 

"Hey there Maiya." Rebekah said walking towards me.

"Um-hey?" I said nervously. 

"God Maiya be cool- it's Rebekah, be cool Maiya." 

"You alright dear?" Rebekah looked into my eyes.

"Look, Rebekah I feel really awkward right now." 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" 

"No- no it's only because- because..." 

Rebekah's phone started to buzz...

"I'm so sorry I have to take this but I promise I'll be back soon. You should get some rest in the meantime." She smiled at me and walked off.

God I was so embarrased- if only I could tell her. 

I was too tired to do anything else- so I went to the room and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I had a good feeling about the Mikaelsons. 

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