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We had to attend Emil's funeral and I had been taught a lesson by some witches in the village a few minutes after (they didn't want to hurt me but they knew I would take the pain for the others) I went to take my mind off of how he died when they found me. They mixed wolfsbane, the devil herbs and vervain together and then injected it into every single inch of my body. I was weak and loopy but Klaus wouldn't talk to me after I insulted him.

Celeste wasn't at the funeral so I guess the compulsion payed off in that respect and this was the first time I remember Elijah touching me when I nearly fainted due to all the poison still making its way further into my body. I had to cover the fact I was searching through Elijah's mind and god the amount of times hes been thinking of me made me feel better.  I made it seem like nothing was hapenning but god the amount of pain I was in was unbearable. Hey but if it got Elijah to think about me and help me it was worth it.

Well until I heard screaming, a young scream and then a whip, screams and then a whip. I turned round and saw a young boy- falling to his knees. I found out through some quick mind sweeps that it was the governors bastard son. I noticed Nik had caught a glimpse of the boy too. Then something caught his attention, the child grabbed a fallen apple and tossed it at the flogsman. I had to step in so I ran over to the boy and before I knew it Nik had already knocked the man on the horse down. 

I was in the middle of Rebekah and Elijah and Nik and the boy. 

"What's your name?" asked Nik.

I walked up to the boy,

"Don't got one," he backed up. "Mama wouldn't name me till I turned 10- case' the fever took me. Then it took her." 

I was making my way backwards until Nik leaned bent down and let me into his thoughts;

"This is our chance to make a family Chessie, our own family... "

"Nik you can't possibly be serious, how the hell are we equipped to raise a family." 

"I don't know but I see myself in this boy, I'm sorry about earlier. Let this be our redemption... Let this be our own little family." 

I made my way over to Nik and placed my hands on his shoulders, 

"You're a survivor," Nik carried on-" and survivors need names." He thought for a moment- "how about Marcellus."

The boy looked confused:" Marcellus?" 

I butted in:" It comes from Mars, the God of War- and it means, little warrior." Nik lifted him up and I placed my hand round Nik's back with Marcel inbetween us. I heard Elijah say: 

"Perhaps there is hope for our brother after all..." 


It had been a year since Marcellus joined our family and today was also the day I was not going to stand down to Celeste Dubois. 

"Elijah, I have to tell-well show you something." 

"Chessie, I have no desire to..." 

Before he could finish I ran up to him and let him enter my thoughts. God- my thoughts could have it's own history book and there must have been a couple few for my jealousy regarding the french witch and a couple hundred on all the times she had led me into seeing their happiness and when he was finished he stared at me and looked deep into my eyes. 

"Chessie, you never ever keep those feelings away from me again. I heard you when you compelled Celeste to forget about Niklaus' gruesome murder and how you should deserve to die, don't ever say that again."

And then something totally unexpected hapenned. He grabbed my face and kissed me so aggressively I wanted to faint. 

"Oh Elijah you don't know how long I have waited for this but what about-" 

"-I see what she does to you, but you have to respect my love for her but this is a secret and I will never be able to expose our love but I have to do it once with you- I might not ever get the chance." 

"Bloody hell I love you Elijah Mikaelson..." 

He carried me into his bed and undressed me with the softest touch on my body. I ripped his shirt off then threw his tie over a mirror. I laid on the bed whilst he stepped out of his trousers. I laid on top of him and he pushed my hair behind my ear. 

"Chessie Mikaelson," 

"What did you call me?" 

"I'm always going to love you Chessie." 

I kissed him and kissed him and as we got further into the night my bra ended up on the floor and we both retreated to under the covers. 

The night came to an end with me laying across his chest once both of our significant others would be arriving soon. 

"This might be one of the best nights I've had in long time." I laughed at him. 

I walked back into the sitting room in my pyjamas and I saw Marcel in outside of his room. 

"What's the matter Marcellus?" 

"I was wondering if you could sing  me my favourite song- I had a nightmare-about my Father. I was scared and I need you." 

"Of course my love." 

I walked into his room and sat on the corner of his bed. I sang him the song and when he was asleep turned around to leave to find Nik smiling at the door.

"Nik, what are you doing here?" 

"You know your voice could summon a thousand angels luv."

"That's ironic seeing as my father's the devil."

"Why don't we finish this conversation in bed." 

I didn't reply I simply ran up into the bed room and stood in front of the mirror.

"You are so beautiful Chessie, I don't deserve you." 

"I beg to differ," I started to undo his belt and carefully untie the bow around his neck.

He kissed all the way up my neck and I moaned, he lifted up my nightgown and I felt my eyes twinkle as he laid above me.

"I love you Niklaus Mikaelson." Who knew I could love both the brothers so much in one night.

We fell asleep with our arms tightly wrapped round each other: I said before closing my eyes for the night...

"We finally have our happy family Nik." 

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