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luh-kon-ik /ləˈkɒn.ɪk/
expressing much in a few words


Over skylark's song
Noh cry
of pheasant

Notes by Elara: What does that mean? I don't think I'm cut out for reading poetry. This is why you're getting a poetry book and not me. You'll probably understand it, though, because you're smart.


Although Adelaide and Elliott weren't official and hadn't even gone on one date yet, they still started to spend an absurd amount of time together. In Pansy's opinion, it was like the Daphne situation from fifth-year all over again.

While Elara disliked Elliott, she saw something slightly good about the casual relationship. Due to Adelaide having little to no romantic feelings for Ron, Adelaide talked to him a lot more and a lot more confidently, and they seemed to be growing a nice friendship. A more talkative one than the one they had previously, at least.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one that doesn't like Elliott," Elara mumbled one night when Adelaide was in the bathroom, and it was just her, Pansy, and Daphne in the room.

Pansy nodded profusely while Daphne shrugged. "They haven't been seeing each other long enough for me to judge," replied Daphne, and Elara could understand that. She was glad Pansy agreed too, so, overall, good talk.

Despite Daphne's opinion, Elara was absolutely sure that both she and Pansy were keeping a very close watch over Adelaide and sure that Pansy had the same bad feeling about Elliott that she had.

The Transfiguration project that the sixth-years had been assigned was coming along well. Elara had taken Hermione's advice and saw the things she did as things Sirius would enjoy and be happy that she was doing rather than something he wouldn't be able to experience again.

The logic was benefiting Elara significantly. She found herself enjoying Quidditch properly and putting a proper amount of effort into her Transfiguration project.

A week and a day after the project had been announced, Elara and Hermione had been working so hard that they were now preparing their final drafts of each part of the project on individual pieces of parchment, Hermione working on the process of the potion (only one of the many steps) and Elara doing extensive research on the incantation, 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus.'

Elara was in a splendid mood if she did say so herself. The Quidditch practice they had that day had gone extremely well if you exclude Draco not showing up again. But despite that, everyone had done well, and they had worked well together and were quite confident they were going to win their first match of the season. Even Elliott had been a good team player.

And to top it all off, she had had a fantastic evening in the Library hiding in the corner rating different flavors of crisps with Lynn, anxiously hoping they would not get caught by Madam Pince. Why that spot? They had no idea; all they knew was the Library had the resources they needed to properly decipher the best flavor: magnifying glasses, books on different herbs and foods, and where they came from.

Finally, the best part was it was simply a place to get their adrenaline running since they were doing something that could land them a week of detentions, considering the location and the staff member running it. Unfortunately, they did not finish their testing by the time the Library closed and saved the task for another day.

"If your animagus is the same as your Patronus, does that mean you'd be an otter, and I'd be a dragonfly?" Elara asked inquisitively, perking up happily.

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