
9.5K 309 295

Kuh-thekt /(katjɛgt)/
to invest emotion or feeling in a particular object, idea, or another person

a/n: i just wanted to say that 1) i cried writing this and 2) i had 50 words written at 9 am and at 2:11 am, literally 17 hours later, have 9.4k words written and i am SHOCKED HOW TF DID I WRITE THAT MUCH the power of caffeine yall


Red plum blossoms:
where behind the
bead-screen's love?

Notes by Elara: 32 poems in, and I still don't understand poetry. I'm doing my best, Granger, believe me. There are not many poems about love in here so far, so this is a start, though.


Much happened before Ron's seemingly accidental poisoning, that was for sure, and that must be covered. It was a long week.

When Ron arrived at the Slytherin common room, he had some mind to bring Harry's Invisibility Cloak, so getting down to the Slytherin dorms was easy. It was trying to stop Pansy and Daphne from yelling at him; that was the hard part. Thankfully, Adelaide put a stop to that by going up to him and stopping in front of him with tears, and Ron gave her a hug, the most compassionate one Elara's ever seen.

Then, Pansy and Daphne finally let him stay while the three of them left, and Daphne offered to get the time Adelaide's portkey left so Elara could go and talk to Hermione and Harry. That, she did.

The death of Adelaide's parents came as a huge shock and wake-up call for the Slytherin friend-group. Adelaide was a half-blood, but the same type as Elara: one pureblood parent, one half-blood parent. They seemed less likely to get attacked, even with that small article in the paper at the beginning of February. Death Eaters wanted to preserve pure blood and all, but apparently not. If anything, it hit Daphne with the realization the most, as the Greengrass's were right on the line between blood-traitors and blood-prejudiced. 

Adelaide left by portkey early the next day before classes, or even breakfast was in session. She promised to write when she was ready and gave them all (including Ron the day before) her Grandparents' address before heading to Snape's office on her own. 

The dorm room seemed empty without her. The friend-group seemed empty without her. Without her positive affirmations, without her snapping at them during study sessions, without always finding her in the Slytherin common room when you woke up because she didn't like sleeping in, without her always being completely willing to revise their essays because she was good at spotting that stuff, without her offering to help them find their lost items since she had an aptitude for that. As stated, it was a long and dreadful week.

Hermione was able to get word from her parents that they were fine and honestly had not known of the attacks or the sightings. Yet, Hermione still dragged Elara back to the Room of Requirement every day that week and curled up into Elara's embrace every single time. And each of those times, Elara didn't mind and held onto her tightly because Elara had not stopped worrying, either.

They didn't talk about the situation in detail until Friday when the last names and locations were released, and everyone else was declared safe for the time being. The attacks had affected everyone greatly, and Elara was sure the despair floating throughout the halls would not vanish any time soon. Elara was also ashamed to be slightly disappointed when Moony's name wasn't in the paper because if he were, at least she'd know where he'd be. St. Mungos. While the second of that disappointment disappeared quickly, Elara still felt guilty about thinking it.

If before the attack, Elara wasn't in a constant state of worry, unlike the rest of the school, she was now. She had simply thought she had nothing else to lose, with both her parents gone. She didn't think that Death Eaters would go after Andromeda or Teddy since they were well hidden, as Croydon wasn't a popular town that wizards lived in. Teddy was good at defensive and protective charms, too. She thought that Moony was safe because Voldemort wanted all hands on deck, and losing a werewolf wouldn't do him any good, even if that werewolf were a spy. Both parties had the help of the Order, as well.

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