Chapter 2

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Everything was black. My head hurted and my body felt numb. What happened? As I tried to get up, I noticed something around my wrists. I kept moving my arms and felt it dig into my arms.

After a while, I worked out that the thing around my wrists was rope. My legs were also tired up. With blurry eyes, I looked around. There was not much in the room. It was pretty empty apart from a few wooden boxes in the far corner, a broken chair and a cabinet. Where am I?

Suddenly, memories of what happened came back to me. My parents, the thought of what happened to them made me tear up.

I can't believe they were killed. And what was it my mum said. "This is because of your.. " My what? My school? My family? My name? I have no clue.

Just then the door opened, and a tall figure stepped in the room. As they got closer I could see that it was a man, roughly in this mid 30's. His hair started to turn gray and his facial features looked like they had been weathered in many stormed.

"Your up. Good" His voice was harsh and his manner of speaking was unsettling, "Now let's get down to business."

As he walked closer, I felt my blood run cold. My heart was racing and my hands became sweaty. For once in my life, I honestly felt scared.

"where is he?" He asked staring at me.

"I.. I don't know what you are on about" I replied out of fear.

"Don't lie to me. You know what I mean. Tell me now and you will not get hurt." He yelled. I could tell he was losing his temper, but I had no clue what he meant.

"I won't ask again. WHERE IS HE?" He shouted at me, which made me more scared.

"I honestly don't know what you are talking about." I tryed to tell him but he only getting mader.

All of a sudden, he grabbed my hair and yanked it back. I let out a little cry, but he did not stop. He then went into his pocket and pulled out a knife. With a smile, he he stabbed it into my leg. I screamed. The pain was unbearable. Tears came out of my eyes and I started to shake.

"Now will you tell me where he is?" He asked still pulling my hair.

"please...I...I don't know. Let me go...please. " I begged.

"Fine. You are going to stay here until you tell me what I want. Make yourself comfortable, you will be here a long time. I think the guys will find you quite fun to play with. Don't you?" He said smirking.

With that said he pulled the knife out my leg and walked towards the door. He then left and locked the door. I was alone again.

I suddenly broke down. I was so frightened. I wanted to curl up in a ball and die. Why did this happen to me?

I suddenly remembered Lisa and Bambam, which made me cry more. I was never going to see them again. This is it, this is where I am going to die. No one will know where I am nor will they find my body. I am all alone, trapped in a place where I was going to be used as a toy.

I did not know that I was slowly falling asleep. Once sleep took over my body, I no longer felt anything. I was no longer scared. However I knew when I woke up I would be brought back to hell.

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