Chapter 15

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It has been a long time since I was able to get a decent sleep, but last night I was able to sleep well. I am not sure why, but I think it has something to do with Taeyong.

I looked around the room and saw that it was still quite dark. As I rolled over I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 7 am. I rolled back over and shut my eyes again, snuggling into my pillow.

Annoyingly, I was not able to go to sleep again, so I got out of bed and wondered downstairs. I was not expecting anyone to be up yet, so I did not bother to get dressed. I was walking around in Sungchan's t-shirt because it would act as a nightgown.

Once I got downstairs, I started to walk to the kitchen. It was quite dark so I walked quite slow. The only sound I could hear was the occasionally drip of the tap. Honestly, I was a bit scared because it was dark and I was alone. However there was only one thing on my mind and that was ramen.

I quickly took out a pan, filled it with water and placed it on the hob. I then quietly took out the ramen and opened it. I was in my own world of ramen and food that I did not notice the person watching me from the other side of the room.

~~~unknown pov~~~

I only went down to get a glass of water and I stumbled across Y/n in the kitchen, making what I think is ramen. A bit weird but I can not say anything because I have had worse for breakfast.

Y/n looked so happy as she danced around the kitchen making ramen. I could not help but smile as I watched her. It made me remember when she first came here.

Me and Taeyong were playing and things got a little out of hands and we ended up fighting. Of course we were not trying to kill each other but when Y/n walked in she was terrified.

Her whole body was shaking and she started to breath heavily. She just stood there staring at us. A little bit later, she suddenly fell to the floor. We were so worried that we quickly rushed her to kun.

She has come so far and still she has further to go. I just hopes she will forget about her past soon, so she can be at peace. I slowly walked closer to her, without making a noise. However she noticed me quite quickly and stared at me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry. Did I scare you you? I only came down for a drink." I stated as I walked over to the cupboard and picked up a cup.

"A little. I was not expecting anyone to be up yet, so I came down to make myself some breakfast." she replied staring at me.

"I am normally up earlier then the others....YOUR NOODLES ARE BURNING!" I yelled as I rushed over to the pan but I was too late it had already set off the smoke alarms and I  could hear everyone getting up.

~~~End of pov~~~

I'm such an idiot I was too busy talking to Doyoung that I had not noticed my noodles. Soon everyone was in the kitchen with paniced faces.

"What happened? Why are the smoke alarms going off?" Taeyong questioned as he walked over to us.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault. I was hungry so I came down to make myself some ramen and I accidentally burned it." I explained with my head down.

"It is my fault as well. I distracted her when she was cooking." Doyoung added.

Taeyong let out a sigh and replied, "I am not telling you off so you can raise you head Y/n. Although I am a bit confused on how you burnt noodles." Taeyong stared laughing and so did everyone else.

After that, everyone helped to tidy up and make breakfast for all of us. Once breakfast was made we all sat down at the dinning table and stared to eat. There was so many different conversations going on that it was hard to listen to just one.

However all conversations stopped once Taeyong cleared his throat. "Y/n, it has come to my attention that you do not own any of your own clothes. As much as Ten likes to share with you, I do not feel it is possible for you to live in his clothes forever," He paused and took a deep breath, "How would you like to go shopping with a few members to buy some clothes and other things you need?"

It came as a shock not just by what he said but the way he said it. It was so formal and how everyone pictures a leader to talk like. I was so lost in thought that I had not noticed everyone was staring at me waiting for an answer.

"Of course I would love to go. It has been so long since I have been out shopping." I was so excited about going shopping that I could barely hold in my smile. However my smile faded once I remembered the last time I went shopping with my parents.


It was a day before my birthday and my parents had taken me out to get all the things we needed to host the biggest party. I was so happy that both my mum and dad were with me.

We would walk up and down all the  Isles, dropping the items we needed into the trolly. I was having so much fun until I accidentally walked away from my parents.

I was so scared, I run around the shop trying to find them, but I did not have any luck. Crouching down, I began to roll myself into a ball and quietly cried. I was so alone and worried my parents would never find me or that they purposly lost me because they did not want me.

I started to rub my ears like my mum does to calm me down but it only made me cry more. Suddenly a shadow blocked out the light, making me lift up my head. The shadow wiped my tears and pulled me into a hug.

I was then able to work out the smell, It was my mum. She had found me. I was no longer alone. I cried more into her shoulder as she held me saying she would never leave me and I would never be alone. She would always come to me when I needed her.

That day I had not noticed that she had lied to me. She left me, she allowed me to be alone. I was left to suffer at the hands of Ateez. She never came. I know she was dead but I still needed her and could not process that she was not going to help me.

*End of Flashback *

Tears came flooding down my face as I brought my knees up to my chest. This was the first time I had thought about my parents after they died and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I would never see them again...

 I would never see them again

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