chapter 20

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After a while, Taeyong stopped crying. I could still make out quiet sobs. It broke my heart to see him like this. I did not ask about anything I just held him in my arms because I think it would make it worse if I asked questions. 

I was so lost in Taeyong's embrace that I had no clue what was going on around me. It was nice, I felt safe. I honestly felt loved, I had forgot what this felt like but it slowly came back to me while being with Taeyong. If I had my own way I would stay like this forever but sadly I could not. Taeyong pushed me away, my heart sank. I tried to fight back the tears but a few fell silently down my face. I did my best to hide the hurt I felt.  

 Did he not feel the same way I do? 

I was about to move away, when Taeyong took hold of my face and brought it closer to his. I could feel his warm breath on my face, it send butterflies through my body. Is he going to do what I think he is? I reluctantly moved my  eyes to met his but I never saw his  deep, velvety eyes instead I was greeted with his long, lushes eyelashes. He was not looking me in the eyes, instead he was looking down at my lips. I took this chance to study his face. My eyes moved steadily over his whole face. I noticed his scar positioned perfectly under the corner of his right eye. I did not realize how many features I had never noticed. 

I could feel him getting closer and I shut my eyes, just as I did I felt his lips come into contact with mine. They were soft and loving. I had no clue where to put my hands so,  I nervously moved my hands to rest on his back. As his lips moved over mine  I began to copy his movements and picked up a perfect rhythm with his. Each movement was like a dream to me. If someone told me I would fall in love with a mafia leader, I would never believe them. He pulled me closer and depend the kiss, his arms wrapped tighter around my waist pulling me up against his body. 

All good things must come to an end and so Taeyong moved away, however he kept his arms wrapped around my waist. He kept eye contact as he spoke, "I don't know what you did to me, I am not one to fall in love but what ever you did please don't stop it. " With that said he kissed me on the forehead.  I flinched. I dont know why, since he just kissed me. 

I need to tell him how I feel before he thinks I don't share his feelings. I went to speak but the words got stuck. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Tae...Taeyong... I don't know when or how but I have fallen for you too. This is very new to me too and I have never felt this way before. I thought I had forgotten how to love or feel any happiness but since being here you and the others have shown me nothing but happiness and I know I was difficult at the beginning and I am sorry about that....." I trailed off, I was so embarrassed to say it that I looked down at the floor. 

He was silent. Did I make a mistake? I slowly looked up and saw him looking at me with a smile on his face. "You are  not scared of me. I thought I would have scared you of, given what I just did and few hours ago." Taeyong said, avoiding eye contact. 

"I was a little scared at first but I remembered it was you, you would never harm me." This time I was looking straight into his eyes and he was looking back at me," Not to be rude or anything, but you need to get a shower and so do I now. you are covered in blood and you have just covered me in it." I let out a little laugh and so did he.  

With that said, we both went up to our rooms to have a shower. While going up, I did not see anyone so I believed they went to a different room and did not see my and Taeyong. I was finished before him so I headed down stairs to meet with the others.  On my way down, I bumped into Jeno, who was smirking as he passed me. "That was strange" I mumbled under my breath. I carried on making my way down to the kitchen  when I met Johnny, instead of smirking at me he spoke, "Sooooooo.... Y/N, how was your little kiss in the hallway?" 

My eyes widened, he saw that. My cheeks went red, thinking about the kiss.  I suddenly remembered Johnny was in front of me and I tried to make up and excuse. All of a sudden, I felt and arm go around my shoulders and the weight of someone leaning on me. Before I could look to see who it was the person spoke, "The kiss was great, nice and romantic. The confession was also something else.  You should have seen her face she was more pink then she is now. It was adorable."

I knew exactly who that was, it was Taeyong and he was teasing me. I tried to move away but he gripped on to me more, "Where do think you are going, princess?........ 

....Your mine. " 


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