Chapter 23

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                  ~~~Taeyong pov~~~

I arrived at the place of meeting as quickly as I could, to be completely honest I did not want to be here but I had no choice as we have not met up in months.

As I pulled up Jeno asked, "How is Y/n and Mark. We could all hear what they were saying."

I let out a sigh and replied, " Mark went out to clear his head so I am unsure when he will return as for Y/n she is better now after I explained what Mark told me. To be honest I was not expecting them to react like that. Hopefully the tension between them will be gone."

Before Jeno could ask anymore questions there was a knock on the car window. As I looked to see who it was I was greeted by a smiling Kai. Kai was the leader of EXO and one of my closest friends. As I opened the car car door I was bombarded with many questions for kai which was expected  because we had not seen each other in months. I explained to Kai everything that happened  including my relationship with Y/n. 

"Congrats on getting a girl we all thought you would die alone." Kai said while laughing. He stopped laughing and I could tell he was going to ask something  serious. "How is your half brother, is he still with you know who."

Most people do not know about my half brother. My dad sold him off to someone when he was young. My dad could not stand looking at him because my mum had him with another man. I know for a fact that he would have put up with him if my mum had not had him with the man she loved, my parent did not love each other my dad only saw her as a way to have children. It was because she loved the man she had an affair with that my dad killed her lover and sold her child. After that day my mum was never the same. 

I let out a sigh and replied, "He is trying to find a way to leave but they will not let him go and he can not pay them what they want for his freedom."

"I see, I'm sorry, if there is anything I can do just let me know." I just nodded and began to walk into the building we were meeting in. We never meet in the same place and it is also never the same person that decides were we meet. This time we are meeting in what looks like an old factory.  Some of the windows were missing and others were covered in moss and leaves. Graffiti covered many walls. This place had definitely been abandoned for a long time. Nature had began to take back the building. 

The inside was no better but did look less weathered.  However we did have to step over many debris piles and bits of metal. The place inside was large and airy because because of the amounts of holes in the roof and walls. This place was so dusty I had to cover my mouth. 

"Who choose this place?" I asked Kai who was following me. Surely there were better places to have this meeting. Somewhere with less dust and dirt would be nice. 

"I think it was RM. He likes to make sure that all the locations are very safe. I heard he gets his hacker Jin to hack all the near by cameras to stop anyone seeing us meeting." kai replied nearly breathing in too much dust and coughing.

We met up with the others who was standing in the middle with a sun beam lighting up a circle they were standing in. 

"Taeyong  good to see you made it. No need to explain why you are late. We all trust each other here. Shall we get on with the meeting? I'm sure you guys want to get back to what you were doing." RM said and everyone agreed. 

All the leaders and their second in command came to this meeting. This is how all meeting happen. We are close allied with 3 other gangs, those gangs are, BTS, EXO and Twice. We have been allied for many years and have quite a close bond with one another.  

"This meeting is about Ateez again isn't it." Tyuzu the leader of Twice questioned. we all know that this is what the meeting is about, most of the meetings are about them or the other groups they work with. Itzy, Red Velvet and Monsta X, they all joined Ateez and we have been trying to put a stop to them for years.

"They have been quite for too long. They are clearly plotting something." Kai added and everyone understood this meeting would not be as short as we wanted it.

I hope Y/N will be okay......

I hope Y/N will be okay

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