chapter 21

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I was in shock. Did I just hear that correctly? Taeyong called me his princess. I did not know what to say. I must have looked like a rabbit a head light because Taeyong let me go and stepped back. 

He looked at me and said with a smirk, "Yes, you heard me correctly. You, princess are mine. Your lovely confession earlier told me that you want to be in a relationship with me or... did I misunderstand that?" His smirk fell and there was a slight sadness in his eyes. 

"No, no you did not misunderstand me, I was a little startled at first because I did not think you want want to be in a relationship straight away." I replied. 

"Of course I want to be in a relationship with you. You are so precious to me." With that said I could not keep a smile from showing on my face. I looked up to see him smiling back at me. We were so focused on each other that we did not see that Johnny was still there watching us with a smile before he walked off to give us some privacy.

~1 day later~  

My whole body ached, I felt like my arms were made out of lead as I continued to throw punches at mark, who was able to move fast enough so most of them did not hit him. I sat myself on the floor and took of the boxing gloves. 

"You are improving so much. You should be proud of yourself, in no time you might be able to knock me on the floor." Mark said with a slight laugh. 

"I don't feel like I am improving. I still really hurt." I meant every word I said. I did not feel like I was getting better and I was definitely hurting. I took the water bottle Mark offered me and drunk it all in one go, putting it down with a sigh. 

"Just remember how you were when we first started. You would get really scared and hide. When you did start hitting me you were really gentle and you would get hit more." Mark said in between drinking. 

"You have a point. Thanks Mark. You have really helped me over the time I was here."  I looked at Mark and smiled. I meant it all, Mark has helped me so much. I am close with him and he get me the most, as well as Taeyong. 

                                                                            ~~~Mark's pov~~~

I looked down at my hands  questioning if I should tell her. I should tell her. I can not keep this from her any longer, the longer I don't tell her the worse it is going to be. I will accept anything she says and does. I will understand if she does not want to see me because I lied to her. I left her and my parents when I was a young teen. I bet our parents are still upset about my life choices, I should see them and apologize. I bet they are worried about Y/N. Oh my god, I did not even think that they would be worried about her until now. I need to take her to them.   

 I let out a sigh and looked at her, " There is something I need to tell you. I have meant to tell you a while ago," she kept quite to allow me to speak so I continued," I am so sorry I have not told you this before but I will tell you now. Please hear me out... I am your .....



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Author's note

I am so sorry that I have not posted I will try and post more often from now on. thank you so much for waiting and enjoying this story.

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