Chapter 4

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After I had finished all my jobs and had been dismissed I went down to my tiny bedroom. Well, it was not really a bedroom, it was their old storage room that I was in when the first kidnapped me. The only thing they did was add a small old mattress and gave me a thin sheet to cover myself.

The room was cold and damp. There was no windows or radiators. I was always cold when I went in there however, I did not mind it was the only time I had to myself. Once everyone was on bed I was able to chill.

I sat on my bed and stared at the wall. It was a dirty grey and had a big crack in which I could feel a breeze through. I thought of my friends, Lisa and Bambam.

What happens to them? What are they doing right now? Do they even remember me? It has been 3 years now and I am beginning to forget what they look like. Have they ever tried to look for me?

I wish I could tell them where I am and end this hell once and for all. I want to go home. I don't want to be here. Anywhere would be better then here.

I layed myself on my mattress and slowly fell asleep with the thought of my friends.

~~~ Taeyong pov ~~~

Once we got to Ateez's base I gave my team the positions and the plan. This was not going to be easy but we need the girl. Everyone understood what they needed to do and started to get into position.

I loaded my gun and gave the signal to move. Once we entered the building, we slipped up into our units, NCT 127, NCT dream and Wayv. I was with NCT 127 and our job was to retrieve the girl and get out. The others job was to protect us and kill anyone who tried to stop us.

All of a sudden, an alarm went off and we all looked at each other.

"This can not be good. Should we retreat?" Jungwoo whispered to me.

"No, we need the girl. We will keep going." I replied giving the signal to move again. It was not long until we heard gunshots and screams. The fight had started and it will only have one winner.

~~~ end of pov ~~~

I woke up with a jump. What was that? Then I heard it again. It was a gun shot but why? I got out of bed and went to the door. I tried to open it but it would not budge. I stared to push the door but it still did not open. Did they lock me in, Why?

I stepped away from the door and heard footsteps. I quickly ran to my bed and pretended to be asleep. Had they come to check on me? Am I getting punished?

Moments later, the door handle moved but it did not open. It sounded like they were pushing at the door. Suddenly the door swang open and I shut my eyes tightly.

I heard someone walk closer and place a hand on my neck. I tried not to move.

"She is still alive, for now. I don't know how long she would stay alive if we left her here. A man said. His voice was soft and his manner of speaking was nothing like the leader of Ateez.

"Is she asleep? Should we take her now?" Someone asked. His voice sounded young.

"She is asleep, but I don't know how long she will stay asleep. So we will have to act fast." The guy next to me said.

I felt the sheet move off my body and a hand went around the back of my neck and around my legs. Suddenly, my whole body was lifted off the bed. I was brought up against something that was warm, which I guess was his chest.

"She is so light. I don't think they have been feeding her well." he whispered to the others, so he did not wake me.

I was brought out of my dark room and into the light. The light hurted my eyes even with them closed. I slowly opened up my eyes partly just to see what was going on.

As I did I saw him....

As I did I saw him

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