Chapter 12

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*Time skip*

1 month

It has been a while since I was brought here and honestly it has been the most wonderful time. Everyone is so nice. I have started to get to know all the members. They all treat me so kindly.

I have became really close to Jeno, Mark, Sungchan and Lucas. They are so fun to be around. However it reminds me of my old friends, Lisa and Bambam. I miss them so much and I hope they are okay and they  have not forgotten me.

I have gotten close to someone else to, which I am quite surprised. He been so nice to me since I joined. He would also be there for me if I needed anything. But recently he has been busy with mafia things and has not been able to hang out with me recently. I have only seen Taeyong for breakfast, lunch and dinner and after he eats quickly he goes back to his office and works.

Jeno told me that he is normally like this when something important is coming up. Jeno is the second in charge and knows everything that is going on but even he does not know what Taeyong is planning this time.

I was sitting in the gaming room with Jeno and some of the other guys when a hand taped and layed on my head. I immediately put down my controler and look back to see who tapped me.

To my surprise, a smiling Taeyong looked down apon me. I smiled back at him.

"Come with me. I have something to show you." He said as he practically pulled me off the sofa.

I followed him to the front door and he gave me a random coat. I slipped it on and followed him to the garage. There were so many nice sport cars. Just looking at their cars showed anyone that there were rich beyond belief. Taeyong walked over to a car and I was so shocked at how fancy and expensive it looked.

Once I got in the car, I strapped in and Taeyong started the engine

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Once I got in the car, I strapped in and Taeyong started the engine. He slowly pulled out of the garage and passed the front door. I looked out the window and saw some of the boys waving from the step. They had wide smiles on their faces and I could not help but smile back to them as we passed.

In the short time I have lived here, I have loved every second of it. I finally know what it is like to be apart of a family. To finally be loved. Even though my life is now amazing, I still can't help but feel like my whole will crumble again and I will lose all my happiness.

Random thoughts popped in and out of my head but one stayed in my mind the longest. It was the thought of Lisa and Bambam. I wondered if they still remembered me after 3 years and 1 month. Are they still looking for me, have they replaced me? My thoughts suddenly became dark and disturbing thinking the worse, however I was quickly brought out of them by Taeyong asking me a question.

"Umm... Sorry I was lost in thought. What did you say." I asked.

"I asked you if you were okay. You suddenly looked sad and worried." He questioned looking at me briefly before looking back at the road.

"I'm alright. I was just wondering where we are going." I lied hoping Taeyong would not catch on.

"You will find that out shortly. We are nearly there." Taeyong replied turing a corner and headed down a single dirt road.

The road was overgrown like no one had been down it for many years. There were many trees that loomed over me, making me feel small. Many of the bushes had made there way onto the road and had started to attack the other bushes on the opposite side. Taeyong drove through it all crushing many plants.

He suddenly stopped the car and got out the car. He looked under the car. He looked concerned which made me worried. Once he looked up, he gave me a quick smile and walked over to my side. He opened the door and told me we needed to walk the rest of the way because it would damage the car.

We started walking and after what felt like a long time walking up hill. I finally saw the top. What I saw up at the top of the hill is something I will never forget.

There was a single bench that we sat down on. I looked forwards and my breath stopped. The view from up
here was breathtakingly stunning.

You could see the whole city from up here

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You could see the whole city from up here. It really made me feel relaxed and content. I could be up here for hours if I was allowed.

~~~Taeyong pov~~~

I looked over at Y/n and saw her eyes sparkle as she scanned the scene before us. I took in her features and smiled. She looked so happy and I was glad I was able to make her happy and feel safe. She deserves it, after all she has been through.

Suddenly my heart slipped a beat. My chest felt tight. What was happening? Am I ill? I should see Kun when we get back.

I have never felt like this before. This is new to me. Why do I feel like this when I look at Y/n?

The eveing sadly ended and we went home. Once Y/n went to her room, I paid a visit to Kun.

I was so surprised when he told me I was not ill and there was nothing wrong with me.

He told me that I have feelings for....



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