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"You have enough money until I get back unless you spend it incorrectly."


"I know you have your card that your mom gave you. Use that for your personal things. I already talked to her about the money on it."

"Okay okay."

"Um. Make sure the house stays clean. Clean up after yourself. Don't let the dishes pile up. Hm. I think that's all. Oh  also Jonah have sex with my daughter and I will break your legs."

"Oh. Okay."

"Bye dad." He hugged me. "Bye sweetheart. I'll call you when I can."

"Bye sir."

"Remember what I said and I mean it. See you later." He walked out the front door and locked it. "Okay well... maybe I should go home."

"Go home? You don't want to stay?"

"My mom needs me at home."

"Oh okay. Well when can we talk again?"

"Maybe tomorrow."

"Oh okay."
I sat with his friends. "Jonah not here again?"


"Can I talk to you after school?"

"Um sure."
Michael came out. "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Look. I saw Jonah with another girl the other day. It was more than once actually."

"Why would he...why would he do that?"

"Sex. That's the reason people cheat right?"

"Sex?" I look down and started crying. He hugged me. "I'm so sorry. None of the other guys wanted to tell you."

"Hey!" I look up. "What's going on here?" Michael let me go and I started going to my car. "Hey baby. What's going on?"

"Are you cheating on me? Don't lie please."

"Babe let me explain."

"No no no. You said you would wait but you can't. You can't wait. So you can continue to have sex with any other girl except me because I'm done with you." I get in. "Babe please. I won't do it anymore."

"You said you loved me Jonah."

"And I do."

"Even if you do... you do in the wrong way. You don't cheat on people you love." I close my door.
I can't stop crying. My phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey it's Michael. Are you feeling okay?"


"You maybe wanna go out or something?"

"Oh uh sure. Out where?"

"Maybe we can just go get something to eat."

"Okay. Do you wanna meet somewhere?"

"Just tell me where you live?"

"Where I live? How about we meet somewhere close? I'll text you when I'm there."


"Give me fifteen minutes."

"Alright see you then." Jonah's friends are so nice...
I get in his car. "I'm sorry about Jonah. He really does love you."

"I know. Where are we going?"


"Oh okay." He drove past it. "You passed it."

"I know a better one on down." He drove to a house. "Why are we here?"

"Come on."

"Come on? Who's house is this?"
"Can you trust me?"

"Um. Okay I guess." He opened the door. "Hey baby."

"Jonah?" There were other people around. "What's going on?" He deeply kissed me. "No Jonah stop."

"Take me back. Please? I promise to never cheat again."

"You know you can't live up to that...I don't know when I'll be ready for sex but it won't be for a long time. So you should just go live your life."

"I want you in my life though baby."

"I don't think you do."

"So you don't want me back?"


"Fine. You just lost me." He pulled a girl up to him. I ran out the house crying and continued down the street. He's a horrible person.
I don't know where I am. I'm so cold. A police stopped beside me. He got out. "Hey Miss. You lost?" I nodded. "Here." He gave me a blanket and opened the back door. "What's your address?" I told him my address and he started to drive. "Why you out here walking alone?"

"I've had a long day. I ran from a friend's house."

"Did this friend do something to you?"

"Not physically no."

"Oh okay. Who's your dad?"

"Um Kevin Johnson."

"Oh Johnson. I knew you looked familiar. I haven't seen you since you were a little girl."

"You know me?"

"I was a close family friend."


"Your parents would always argue so I would take you out for ice cream and pizza. Then your dad was pronounced dead. Your mom would be in jail if she didn't have the power that she does."

"In jail?"

"Yeah. She told everyone he was dead. But we ended up finding him in your old house unconscious."

"Oh. They didn't tell me that."

"Well your mom was always crazy. She did a lot of things. I'm glad she cleaned up and took care of you."

"Cleaned up?"

"She was a drug addict."

"Wait. When she lied to me about dad. She told me he was a drug dealer."

"Your dad was as clean as ever. Her on the other hand."

"Oh my God. I can't believe it. How did she become a lawyer if she was on drugs."

"She had her ways. She was sneaky."

"They're hiding things from me."

"It was probably better that you didn't know but you deserve to."

"Thank you..."


"Thank you Damien." He stopped at Sonic's. "You want something?"

"Um. Just a burger and fries."


"Sprite." He ordered. "Why were you running from your friends house?"

"Um well. My boyfriend tried to get back together with me. He cheated on me so I didn't take him back. One of his friends drove me there."

"Oh. Nobody hurt you right?"


"Okay." A man came and gave us our food. "Here you go sweetheart."

"Thanks." I'll save it for later. I'm not that hungry. "Are we almost there?"

I woke up in my bed. How did I get here? Is Damien here? I get up and go to the kitchen. "Oh hey." He got up. "Where's your dad?"

"He's out of town for his new job."

"When will he be back?"

"In about six months."

"Oh. Here's my number. If you need anything call me."

"Okay thanks." He hugged me. "I'll see you later. Lock the door." I locked it after he left. Now I have to prepare for school tomorrow.

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