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For some reason I don't trust Keith. Maybe it's because I don't want my mom getting hurt. He's really weird like creepy. I really don't trust him. He basically lives here now and he's trying to make changes. Also I'm going back to school tomorrow. I love being a mom. I really do. She's the cutest thing. But my grandma has been around a lot. Well around me. My mom doesn't really like her. She's my dad's mom so they haven't been the nicest especially when it came to him. I'm ready to go back to school. I'm talking normally well I'm trying to. I do get quiet sometimes during conversation. I'm getting better. I'm gonna go to school talking and I'm very happy about it.
I realized that I don't feel good and I don't feel like getting up. My door opened. "Are you up pumpkin?" I look at him. "Don't call me that."

"I'm driving you to school be ready in thirty minutes." I sigh. I don't like how he did that. I guess I should get up.
I go downstairs. "Good morning."

"Hi." I sat at the bar.

"I'll warm up a bottle for her. I leave later than you guys. You need to tell your abuela to come."

"I already did."


"Why can't I drive myself to school?"

"We're going to the same place so we might as well."

"Yeah but I don't wanna be seen with you."


"I mean like as my teacher. I don't wanna be seen with my teacher."

"Just try it out. Please?"

"Okay fine."

"Great let's leave now. Teachers have to be early."

"This is a really huge reason for why this won't work."

"You'll be fine. You guys go. Oh by the way do you want me to still bring you lunch sweetheart?"

"Oh no I can take her somewhere on my lunch break."

"No no no. Please bring me sonic's."

"Ok. See you guys tonight."

"See you babe." They kissed. I almost threw up right there. "Guys please don't kiss in front of my awake child. She doesn't like it."

"Don't use your child to speak for you." I giggled. "It's just gross. Can we go now?"

"Yeah let's go sweetheart." He put his arm around me. "Don't do that."
"Should I open the door for you?"

"No. I have it." I get out. Is that Jonah standing in the front of the school alone? Is he waiting on me? "I'll see you at lunch okay?"

"No." I go up to Jonah and he just hugged me. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I had my baby."

"You're talking." He touched on my stomach. He picked me up and spun me around. "You realize that we've known each other for a day?"

"Yeah. You were my first friend here though. Then you disappear without texting or calling."

"I had my baby. Did you not hear?"

"Do you have a picture of them?"

"Put me down and I'll show you." He put me down. I went to my gallery. "Her name is moon."

"Wow. She looks just like you."

"Thank you."

"Also. You just got out of the car with Mr. Terrance."

"Oh yeah he's my mom's fiance."

"Oh. That's kinda weird."

"I know."

"So he's basically like your dad."

"He tries to be. He's really weird."

"It's weird having a conversation with you. I didn't know you that long but all you did was point and write when we met then you leave for few weeks and have a baby. Then you come back talking."

"Would you rather me not talk?"

"Oh yeah."


"No I'm kidding. I love talking to you. I feel more emotions. You have like a sassy attitude."

"Well thank you. That's very sweet."

"So I'm guessing you're early because of Mr. Lawrence?"

"Yeah teachers have to be early apparently. But you're early."

"I was looking for you. I always have been."

"Really? You don't have other friends?"

"Not really. I was thinking you were going to just walk past me."

"No. You're my only friend too."

"I kinda wanna be more than friends." He mumbled.



"You wanna go to class or hang around?"

"Let's go to class. You need to sit."

"I'm not pregnant anymore."

"But you still have some side effects rights?"

"Yeah a little."

"Okay then. Let's go to class."

"I'm not bleeding anymore. I'm fine."

"Let's just go." We walked to the classroom. "Oh. Is that Unique?" She got up and hugged me. "Hi miss."

"Oh my God. You're talking. Why did you disappear? Was it the counselors thing?"

"No I had my baby."

"Oh yeah! You're totally not pregnant anymore. What is it? Boy? Girl?"

"She's a girl. Her name is Moon."

"Moon? That's the sweetest name after yours of course."

"Thank you. You wanna see a picture of her? I have tons because I always want to look at her."

"Yeah definitely."

"You only showed me one."

"See look. This was at the hospital, her first night, her first bath and some pictures of her being super cute."

"Oh my. She's so precious. You have to bring her. I really want to see her."

"Yeah I'll bring her one day."

"Great. Class starts in a few so get situated."


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