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I'm back at school. I was on the news unfortunately. Now everyone knows I'm pregnant and that's just great. I just know I'm gonna get bullied. I'm so happy and excited to get bullied. I really am. You know what I'm not paying attention to where I'm walking because I just bumped into some tall guy. I fell of course I did. "Oh I'm sorry miss." He helped me up. "I'm Jonah and you are?"


"Unique. That's beautiful. My bad for bumping into you. Are you new?" I shake my head. "Oh. I'm sorry. I just came yesterday. Oh by the way. I don't really know where my first two classes are. Can you show me?" I nodded and he gave me his schedule. Oh he takes English with me. I started walking and he followed. "Pregnant bitch!" He pushed me to the lockers. "Hey what the hell? You don't push her if she's pregnant." Jonah pushed the boy. "You a pussy standing up for that weird girl."

"You a pussy for trying to hurt a pregnant woman. Get away from us man."

"Whatever." He walked away. "I'm sorry about that. Let's continue. Is it far?" I shake my head. It's right here. "Oh thanks." We walk in. "Good morning Unique." I wave to her. "Oh good morning sir."

"Hey. I'm new. My name's Jonah."

"Nice to meet you Jonah. You can sit...hmm."

"Can I sit by Unique?"

"Oh of course." I'm not blushing right now or anything. He sat in the desk across from me. "I'm so glad you guys are early. If you guys could take these surveys. It's about your school life. You can do your old school Jonah."

"I was here yesterday."

"Okay well talk about both. They are yes or no questions."

Do you feel safe in school---No

Do you have friends in school---Yes

Are you being bullied--- Yes

Would you tell some one if you were in trouble--- Yes

Are your guardians/parents around---Yes

Do you like all your teachers--- Yes

Do you consider your teachers helpful---yes

Have you ever seen the principal---Yes

Do you consider yourself wealthy---Yes

Any thoughts about suicide, selfharm of yourself or others, or death---Y̶E̶S̶ No

And I'm done. I raise my hand. "Are you done?" I nod. She grabbed it. I think she was reading it. "Do you need to go to the counselors?" I shake my head. "Um okay." Why would she think that? More kids started coming in. Including that guy. Jonah stood up. "What you doing dude? I'm just going to my seat." He sat back down. "Okay. Good morning everyone. I'm gonna have you guys do this survey and then we'll start with class."
Apparently my mom asked me to the counselors office in third period. I don't know why. The bells about to ring. I open the door. "Sweetheart. Sit down."

What's going on?

"Just sit down." I sat beside my mom. "Darling your English teacher, Ms. Letterman, is worried about you."

What did I do?

"Can you write please?" I grabbed my tablet.

"What did I do?"

"Look at this." She put a paper in front of us. "She had her students do a survey. She doesn't feel safe here, she's getting bullied, she would tell if she was in trouble. The last one is if she ever thought about suicide selfharm of yourself or others and she put yes crosses it out and put no."

"Are you okay sweetheart? You know you can tell me."

"I'm fine."

"Sweetheart please. We're worried about you. Your teacher wouldn't have called me and set this up if she didn't think something was going on."

"Nothing's wrong."

"When was the last time you thought about suicide or selfharm?"

"I've never thought that. I really don't like this."

"Sweetheart I know that you still think about your dad but you should talk to us. This is serious." I get up and leave. Don't cry. Don't cry. "Unique slow down." He hugged me. "What's going on? You wanna go to lunch? Let's go to lunch." He walked me to the lunchroom. "If you come to this line over here you can just pick up what you want. You don't have to talk okay?" I nodded. "Come on." I like how he didn't ask if I was mute. He's just going with it. "That's him! Get away from my daughter!" He was then tackled to the ground. "Sweetheart was this guy hurting you?" I shake my head. Why did you do this?

"I'm trying to help you sweetheart...you ran out of the counselors when I got to talking about your dad. We just-."

"I don't need your help! You're not helping!" Jonah got up. "Oh. I'm sorry sweetheart. Here's your food. I'll see you at home." At this point I'm crying uncontrollably. "Let's go sit down." I showed him where I usually sit. "I'm gonna go get my food and you wait here." I'm getting tired of my mom trying to 'fix' things. I'm not broken I don't need help, what the fuck does she think I am? A robot? A baby? I might as well be. I might just skip and go home if she's not there or I'll just drive around. I've never skipped before. Also I just yelled at her in front of a bunch of people. I don't talk unless I'm mad or really surprised I guess. Also also I'm pregnant which hasn't been a huge bother to me. I know nothing about my baby. I didn't want a baby but I shouldn't neglect them. I'll start putting a lot of time on them. Which I don't have a lot of.

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