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Guess who's back at school after half a year? The mute girl in a wheelchair. Physical therapy is the slowest thing ever. I almost hate it as much as I hate Brian. My mom has made some changes for me. I now have a phone... hold on. Who is that? Oh he's walking towards me. "Wassup." Uh. "You must don't talk a lot?" I shook my head. "Alright. I'll take you to class. Are you new?" I shook my head. "I've never seen you around before. I know I would've seen your big eyes somewhere." He took me to the class. "Oh you take this?" I nodded. "Okay well. I'll come get you for lunch okay?" I nodded. He's nice. "Oh Unique your back." Back with tons of broken bones... "Here sit here." She moved the chair. Natalie came in. "Hi friend." She signed. I waved and she smiled. "Okay everyone. Let's welcome back our student who left on her first day and came back after some months. She's well and alive."
I rolled out of the classroom. "Let me help you with that." I don't know who this guy is but he's super sweet. "Are you going to the cafeteria?" I pointed to the office.

"Okay." He rolled me to the office. "Hey sweetheart. I got you some McDonald's. Who is this? Are you who hurt my baby?"

"No no no. I'm just someone who offered to roll her around and hangout with her."

"Oh. You wanna hangout with my daughter?"

"Yeah sure."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Vincent."

"Come over here with me."

"Uh okay."
He pushed me up to the table. "So you're mute?" I nodded. "You choose to be?" I nodded as he sat out my food for me. "How do you communicate?" I take out my notebook. "Oh you write? I'm sorry I don't know sign language."

"It's okay."

"Okay well. I'm gonna go get my lunch. You stay."

"Don't leave."

"It'll only take a second I'll keep an eye on you." He walked away. I feel more vunerable than before..I can't talk or walk. I look around. I see him. The guy who beat me up. Vincent came back. "See. That wasn't long. What are you looking at?" I turn away.


"Unique you know your mom wanted me to protect you cause I really want to. " I look at Vince. "You can tell me."

"Aye Vince what you doing over here?"

"Having lunch."

"Come sit with us."


"You wanna sit with this freak? She doesn't even talk man."

"Fuck you dude. What has she done to you?"

"She's just a dumb and weird bitch. I beat the shit out of her. She wouldn't tell me to stop." I start crying and Vince got up and pushed him. "Her mom will sue the shit out of you."

"She can try."

"She'll win. Mrs. Janice Williams herself."


"Nothing. Come on." We picked up our stuff and he pushed me out of the cafeteria. "I'm sorry."
Mom: I can't pick you up today stay with Vince.

Me: where's Brian?

Mom: he's working all night

I look at Vince. "What? Where's your mom?" I show him the phone.

"Okay yeah. You can come over." He rolled me to him car. He put me in the back and strapped me in. "Comfortable?" I nodded. "Alright." He put my bag in the front then my wheelchair in the trunk. He got in. "It's crazy that your mom trusts me when we just met. I have total respect for you guys." He started to drive. "I live kinda far so sorry if you get uncomfortable. Also my house isn't handicap accessible... well you would've thought that I guess cause who's house is really handicap accessible? Unless there's someone who's been handicap all their life. I would expect to see something like that. I know I talk a lot so my bad." I don't know what to do. I can't write to him.
"Alright here we are." I fell asleep he lives so far. I look outside. Oh. He opened my door. He picked me up. "This where I live. Sorry that it's not big and fancy." He looked down at me. "By your facial expression I'm guessing you're gonna say it doesn't matter?" I nodded. "Alright good. He unlocked and opened the door. He carefully brought me inside. "Oh Vince!... your home...who is this?"

"This is my friend Unique." Some little kids started running around. "Hey guys stop running now." She looked at me. "Nice to meet you Unique." I smiled. Vince put me down. "She's mute by the way mom so she's not being rude."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I almost made a comment about that.."

"I'll go get your notebook and stuff." He walked out of the house. "So. Unique.. how long have you been mute?" I hold up five fingers. "Five years?" I nodded. "Oh wow. You probably don't wanna talk about why or write so I'ma stop there." Vincent came back. "Here's your things."

"Vincey!" A little boy came and hugged his leg. "Hey Dallas." More siblings started coming. He has like seven siblings. "Unique, these are all my siblings. This is Dallas, Autumn, Kacey, Makayla, Tyler, Cameron and Tiara." I wave. "Say hi guys."
It's now six. My mom is off so Vincent is taking me home. I really want to go home and go to sleep. "I really like hanging out with you Unique. I've never met anyone like you." Oh he means that? Wow. He stopped at my house.
"Nice house. I guess this is what you get from being a successful lawyer." I don't know what to say about that. My mom was outside. He got me out and put me in my wheelchair and but my bag on the back of it. He rolled me to the door. "Thank you Vincent."

"No problem miss."

"Oh hey. Maybe you could come to her physical therapy session?"

"Sure. Where is it held?"

"I'll text you the details."

"Okay. Well I'll talk to you guys later. Bye." My mom took me inside. "He's very sweet. Isn't he?" I nodded.

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