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It's been like two weeks of everyday therapy and Vince came with on more than half. I can finally walk better but my legs look weird so I hide them with jeans. Vincent decided that this is the perfect time to go on our date. I'm excited. I've never been on a date before. I haven't been to the movies in a long time either..I'm really happy. I can't stop smiling at myself. I don't really smile as much anymore. My mom came in and my smile disappeared. "Hi sweetheart. I'm so excited for you. Your first date. You look beautiful sweetheart."

Thank you.

"Hey. I know that things haven't been the best with us but I want you to know that I love you sweetheart. Brian doesn't have to be your dad."

Everytime we talk it's about him

"I just wanna get things good with you before you go and have a good time. I'm leaving tonight for a trip. I won't see you until tomorrow morning okay?" I nodded.

I opened the door. "Hey. Your mom here?" I shook my head. "Oh okay." He grabbed my hand. "You look really nice by the way. It's great to see you walking." I smile. He opened the door for me.
We ended up seeing a scary movie. I don't really like scary movies but it was really good. Vincent is a really sweet guy. I've never had feelings for anyone before. "Do you wanna do anything else before I take you home? Because I have something else planned and I don't know if you would be comfortable with that if I just did it." I nodded. "Okay." He drove to a restaurant. A cute little diner with a drive thru? "Wait until I open your door okay." I shook my head. "What's wrong?"

"We have to go inside?"

"I thought that would be fun but we don't have to. What's wrong with going in?"

"Will you order for me?"

"Oh of course. No need to be scared. It's fine." He got out and opened my door. "Make sure you bring your note pad. So we can talk." I'm glad he already adjusted to this.
"Hi, I'm Beth. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?"

"Oh sprite for my lady and just a water for me."

"Okay I'll be back."

"Point out anything you would like I'm paying."

"I don't want you to pay. You said you didn't have much."

"I'm the man. I have to pay. I also asked you out."
He walked me to my door. "This was really fun. Would you wanna do that again?" I nodded. "Okay. I'll see you later okay?" He kissed my cheek and I'm pretty sure as dark as I am you could still see me turn red. I went inside. "How was it sweetheart?" I ignore him and go upstairs to my room. I hear him come up. Please go to your room. He came in. "How was your date? Was it good?" I nodded. He stared at me. He pushed me against the wall with him holding my arms above my head. "You know how much you look like your mother?" He put his face in my neck. "Smell like her. I bet you feel just as good." He turned me around. "Are you gonna yell for help? Tell me to stop?" I opened my mouth but I couldn't say anything. "As I thought." He had me so close to him that I couldn't move. "You better stay." He unbuttoned my jeans...
I feel so sick. He just...I... I don't wanna stay here. I get up and take a shower. I wonder if Vincent will let me stay.

Me: hi Vince

Vincent: hey

Me: can I stay for the night please?

Vincent: sure I'll come pick you up give me ten minutes.

Me: okay thank you.
I don't wanna stay here anymore not until my mom comes in the morning.
I went downstairs. Brian looked at me. "You leaving? Make sure you don't tell your mom or I'll beat the shit out of you." I started crying and I went outside and got in his car. "Hey you alright?" I nodded. "Your crying. What happened?" He grabbed my hand and I flinched. "Did something just happen?"

"Okay. You don't have to talk about it. Is your mom home?" I shook my head. "Okay." He started driving. I think I'm scarred for life. My step dad just... he just forced me to do the nasty...with him. I have to tell my mom. I can't live with it as a secret forever I know I can't.
"You gotta be quiet or someone will wake up okay?" He whispered and I nodded. We went to his room. Well not his room. He shares it with three other siblings I'm seeing. "You sleep on my bed. I'll sleep on the floor. Yes I'm sure." I laid down and got under the covers. I'll feel safer here.

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