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"Alright. I'm following you wherever you want to go. Get whatever you want."

"Oh thank you."

"Anything." He bought so many things for me. He's so sweet.
He helped me bring my things inside. "I can bring them upstairs thank you."

"No problem sweetheart. I'll see you later."

"See you." He left. "Mom do you wanna see what I got?"

"Yeah sweetheart."

"Are you gonna stop her dad?"

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know. You did that yesterday."

"Let's just see what you have baby."

I'm starting Online school soon. I still don't know what I wanna do. Definitely not a lawyer. Dad came in. "Yes?"

"I wanna apologize."

"Did you apologise to mom?"

"Yeah." He sat on my bed. "I've been acting immature lately. I was mad for absolutely no reason. I know you meant what you said earlier. I'm not who I was before."

"And mom killing you."

"Yeah. I really don't want Damien to steal you from me."

"Oh. Damien. You're jealous?"

"I wouldn't say jealous."

"Mh." He gave me a hug. "Did you hit on mom?"

"Just a few times baby. Not anything that can really hurt her too much but...I wasn't really trying to hurt her...I guess I got forceful. If you want to call the police go ahead. "

"I won't if mom doesn't need me too." He hugged me again. "I didn't mean to hurt your mom."

"I know dad." He let go. "I'm gonna go." He left. Okay well. I'm good with both of my parents now. That's great. That's how it's supposed to be.
I'm realizing that I need friends. I'm lonely especially without Prince. I need to go see him actually. He hasn't called. I have the same number. I'll go see him. My car still here? I go downstairs. "Mom?"


"My car still here?"

"Oh yes it is. I cleaned it out for you when you left."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go see Prince."

"Oh okay. Your keys are hanging up by the door."

"Okay. I'll be back. Tell dad I'm leaving."

"Okay. Don't stay out too long."

"I won't." I opened the garage. There's my baby. My mom cleaned it out. I had tons of nasty stuff in it. I get it. Let's see if I know how to drive.. I have my license on me.
I go inside. "Hi Williams. Coming back?"

"No of course not. Can I see Prince Smith please?"

"Of course. I'll get someone to get him." She picked up a radio. "Get me Prince, he has a visitor."

"On his way."

"Okay. You can sit until he comes." I sat on a chair. Very uncomfortable. A officer brought him out. "Hi Prince."

"Damn hey girl. I felt like I haven't seen you in ages."

"It's been two days. But are you okay here?"

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