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I'm so happy...to be pregnant in highschool. It's so great. I haven't experienced it yet but I've had a long summer and I decided I wanted to go back to school. I'm also back in eleventh. My mom and I decided that because I didn't get my proper education in those special classes. I'll just retake the whole year. I'm fine with that. Completely fine. I haven't been good without Vincent. I really miss him and I'm pretty sure his other girls didn't last long once they found out he was with other girls at the same time. My mom's driving me I actually don't remember why. "I'm so excited for you baby. A new year and a good education. A new you too also. I can't wait. But you make sure you tell me if something happens. Anything. I'll be there." She parked. "Come on. I'm gonna meet every single teacher. That's why we're early. Super early." She grabbed my hand and we walked inside. We into the office. "Hi guys. It's been a while since we've seen you two."

"Good morning. Where do I get my baby's schedule?"

"In the counselors across from here. Are you taking special classes this year?"

"Absolutely not."

"Okay. You guys have a great day." We walked to the counselors. "Good morning."

"Hi. My daughter needs her schedule.'

"Last name?"


"Okay. First?"


"Unique Williams. Okay. I'm gonna print it out for you. Give me a second." My mom smiled at me. I'm kinda excited. "Okay here you go."

"Thank you. Let's go baby." We went to my first class which is English III. "Oh hi. Good morning."

"Good morning. This is my daughter Unique she's going to be in your first period this year."

"Oh nice to meet you Unique." I wave. "Is she shy?"

"No. She's mute and I don't want you to treat her like she's dumb."

"We talk a lot in English. I mean it's English. So. Your daughter would have to talk. Mute or not."

"Excuse me? Do you think her being mute is just something she decided to do for no reason?"

"Well yes because she wasn't born not able to talk was she?"


"Then there's no excuse she's gonna talk in my class."

"What's going on in here?"

"Oh. Good morning Ms. Jackson I was just telling them that Unique here has to talk in my class. She's mute. Apparently."

"Oh. The Williams. Nice to see you guys again."


"Um. Ms. Taylor these people are who took money from the school because Unique wasn't getting her proper education."

"They called her dumb."

"Are you supposed to be someone special?"


"Taylor that is Janice Williams herself. You know the very sweet successful lawyer? With her beautiful soon to be successful daughter." I smile. "Oh. I couldn't recognize you. You look extremely different."

"Thank you. We're gonna go see her other teachers." We walked out.

Mom I love the effect you have on people

"Thank you sweetheart. I do it just for you."
We're on the last teacher then school will start soon.

Mom I'm starting to hurt.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. Do you wanna stop for a second?" I nodded. "Okay come over here." We sat at a table. "Are you sure you wanna come back to school?" I nodded. "I don't know sweetheart.. your pregnant and I don't want things to be hard for you."

I'm fine

"All this walking you have to do."

I know to call you if I need help mom.

"Okay. Let's go now." We started walking to the last class. We went in. "Oh good morning."

"Hi. This is my daughter Unique. She's in your last class."

"Nice to meet you Unique." I wave. "She doesn't talk I'm sorry."

"Oh no. It's fine. I've worked with mute kids before they're my favorite." I smiled. "So I'm guessing you know sign language."

"Oh yeah definitely. I've been learning since I was a kid."

"Wow that's great. I'm sure you'll love my daughter. She has a beautiful personality."

"Well that's always welcome in my class." He smiled at me. "Also mom can I talk to you alone just for a second?"

"Oh. Uh. Sure. You'll be okay baby?" I nodded. "Okay." They walked to his desk. I'll go sit down outside. "Unique!" I look back. Oh it's him. "Hey. I haven't seen you in a long time. You been good?" I nodded. "You know I miss you so much. I really just-."

"Hey dude!" A guy ran up beside me. "Oh hi little lady. You're absolutely gorgeous." I smile. "Stop hitting on my girl."

"Your girl? If she was your girl I would've seen her all summer right?"

"Shut up. Like I was saying-."

"I'm Curtis by the way. I'm pretty sure we live close by."

"Anyways I really miss you and I realized what I did was wrong. I really want you back. I really lost something when I lost you like a whole part of me was torn off."

"You're so dramatic. He cried all summer for you. He was like 'I miss my cute little mute girl.'"

I quietly laugh. "Stop that."

"I was just wondering why he cheated on the first place. Because y'all weren't official? If he really loves you he would've devoted everything to you not no other girls official or not."

"He has a point."

"Oh hi Ms. Williams."

"Hello. Let's go now sweetheart. Nice to meet you....."


"Nice to meet you Curtis."

"You too. Especially you Unique." Not me blushing. "Let's go to your class now."

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