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"Unique? Baby wake up." I open my eyes.

"Good morning. You have school in an hour so get ready and come down for breakfast." I nodded and got out of bed. I'm Unique... that's really my name....my dad named me himself... I'm sixteen in highschool, I chose to be mute. It happened in middle school when I found out that my dad died. I refused to talk to anyone. I still refuse to. Let me get ready....
I go downstairs. "Oh. Hurry and eat breakfast. You're gonna miss the bus. I asked if a classmate could walk you around school."

"Good morning." I just looked at him. "You need to start talking. The stares aren't doing anything for me."

"Don't be rude Brian."

"I just want one word." I get up and grab my bag. "Go fuck yourself Brian." Then I walked out. Definitely won't be doing that again. I made my way to the bus stop. I'm actually really shy. I don't like interactions. I hate Brian. I hate him so much.
I'm at the school..."Hi!" I jump and look behind me. "I'm sorry. I'm Natalie. You must be Unique?" I nodded. She started to sign. "I'm deaf by the way. I should've said that before." Oh. Okay that's fine.

"Good. I'll show you around." She grabbed my hand and I tense up. "Sorry. I have to hold someone's hand." I gave her a thumbs up letting her know that it's okay.
We take special classes together. I wish my mom didn't do that because I just wanna be normal. But she doesn't understand. She took me to a classroom. Only two other people was in here. What's going on?

She smiled.  "This is our class, you stay in here until last period, then you go home early."

I really don't like this. "Sit down." I sat and Natalie sat beside me.
"Okay. Welcome everyone hearing and non hearing. I'm your special education teacher Ms. Lauren. I'm gonna make sure you guys learn the best way. Lauren's way." I sigh.
"Freak!" They pushed me into a locker. "Fucking talk you dumb bitch." They walked away. I was homeschooled before we moved over here. Well when I first decided to be mute. I rather do that again. Anyways I'm in the cafeteria. I don't talk so. I can't tell them what I want. "Ms. Unique?" I look around. "Your mom brought you lunch." He was holding a burger king bag. I wrote on my note pad. Is my mom still here?

"Oh no. She just left after she brought your food. Would you like the office to call her?" I shook my head. "Okay well enjoy." He gave it to me and walked away. Where should I sit? By myself of course. I sit in the far end of the cafeteria. My mom doesn't allow me to have a phone because there's no reason for me to be on social media and call people. I do have a laptop where I can email her. She might get me a phone because if I'm in trouble I can't just email her. I would probably be dead by then. Hmm dead. Wonder how that is. "Hey you quiet freak." I don't look up. It's my first day and somehow everyone knows I'm mute. Which is great. I love it.
He pushed me against the locker. "You gon yell for help? You worthless fuck." He punched me. I tried to hold in my tears but I couldn't. "Talk and I'll let you go." He threw me on the floor.
"She has to be in here.."


"Oh my God. Baby." She ran to my side. "Call a ambulance."
I woke up. I feel horrible. "Oh hey. I'm so glad you're okay. I can't believe someone would do something like this to you, almost kill you and break ton of your bones. Leave you on the locker room floor halfway unconscious. The doctors said that there's a high chance you would make it. I'm sorry. I know I'm talking too much.. how was school other than him?" She gave me a sheet of paper and a pen. "I was going to complain about the special classes but it's safer."

"Special? Oh. I forgot I asked for you to be in those. Well did you like it?" I shook my head. "Not really? But you wanna stay because it's safer?" I nodded."

"Okay. Why don't you like it?"

"Treats me like I'm dumb."

"Oh I'm sorry. I'll do something about that.."
I'm so happy to be home bed rest with no ability to walk or really move anything but my arms. It's great. It's not like that guy didn't break over a hundred bones or something. I'm getting homeschooled untill I at least start physical therapy. I hate my life. I wish he would've just finished me off.

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