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We got in. "So um. How's the baby?"

"She's good."


"Her name is Angel by the way."


"Will you bother to act like her sister? Or... maybe someone in her life. Like a aunt?"

"I don't know. I really don't want her to know me. I'm a bad influence."

"But you're getting better. Right?"

"Yeah. I don't want to be super close with her though."


"I could be a aunt though."

"Okay. Are you and Prince still leaving town?"

"Uh. I don't yet. Prince won't be leaving for a while so."

"Oh. I'm sorry sweetheart.'

"It's okay. I need to get myself more straight anyway. Just not in that place." She stopped at wendy's. "What do you guys eat there?"

"Um mostly vegetables and fruit. Sometimes we would have eggs."

"No meat?"

"Eggs. Maybe some bread."

"You do look smaller. Do you want chicken nuggets?"


"Okay." She ordered.
"Is dad mad at me?"

"Uh. I think so."

"Oh." He's been mad at me ever since I got out of the hospital when I've been nothing but nice to them. She unlocked the door. "Surprise!"


"Hi sweetheart."

"Hi Damien." He hugged me. I see my dad just standing in the kitchen. "I haven't seen you in like a year."

"I know."

"I got something for you."

"A needle?"


"I'm kidding."

"Oh well no. I got you a brand new phone. I have no idea what happened to your old one but I got you a new and better one."

"Are you serious?"

"I'm so serious. I tried to get your dad to get it but he refused."

"It's okay."

"Also I got you some things that'll probably help you clean up more. I made sure to get some pretty ones."

"Thank you. You're so thoughtful."

"Of course."

"Alright time for you to go Damien."

"He can stay a little longer dad."

"Excuse me? Who's house is this?"

"Fine since I'm trying to be nicer. I'll call you if I need anything Damien."

"Alright. Bye Janice."


"I'll see you later." He closed the door. "Hey dad. I'm back."


"Mom can you teach me how to use this stuff?"

"Oh of-."

"No. I need you upstairs Janice."

"Oh okay."

"No dad. I asked her to help me first. Whatever you need can wait."

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