Chapter 8

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CLAIRES POV *present*

The video on the "mirror" went black 

-What's wrong?  

- We arrive to the point where what happens is in the present- he touched the water again and I saw Niall, i hate to admit it but Niall was my favourite, of course i love them all but theres something about him that made me feel connected like if when he sing, he sings to me and his smile make me have chills on my hole body and when i see his beautiful blue eyes, well what can i say, the world stops and i just feel he is there in front of me looking at me like if i was the girl he has been dreaming with, but of course all what i was watching once again was my computer or a picture, i left my eyes go and meet the irish guy who was entering into the room and putting play to my video


"And last but never less Niall" she blushed" hi Niall" she just stayed like that without another word looking to the ground giving me enough time to realize how beautiful she was "i dont even know where to start" she said smiling and the she look directly to the camera making me feel like she was actually there talking with me "Niall, you are just. ... amazing whenever i look at you in a video a picture or in a concert i just can beleive you are actually real like how on earth a guy can be that perfect have such a pretty voice and so wonderfoul eyes. ... but Im not here to fangirl, im here for thank you, for what? well for everything, since the begginig you made me smile, your laugh is the best sound i ever hear and for being so... so you because that is what make me realise theres actually good and carefree people, that it doesnt matter how ugly someone can think you are because there will always be someone who thinks your eyes are the most beautiful ones, that your theet may not be perfect but they are cute just that way, thanks for proving the world that food isn't a crime, that diets aren't what we should care the most about, but most of all Niall..." a tear scaped from her eye making me want to cry "most of all, thank you for make me beleive that one day i will find a guy as perfect as you that maybe one day a guy will sing to me and all what im going to think is going to be how you help me to have hopes and how you are going to be probably with a lucky girl calling her yours and when that day comes, never forget that even if i never met you, you will always be my favourite irish leprechaun of all, thank you for everything, i wish you the most happy life of all i really hope one day you can say you are the happiest person of the world.... 

and with that guys i just can say my last good bye it was a pleasure to be your fan and hear your voices, i love you, maybe more of what i should, have the best lifes of all" and with a smile the video endded and the screen came blue i heard the lads whispering on the door just a second before they came in 

-bud are you all right? - zayn asked 

-you have been here more time than any of us so we just came to check- liam added 

- I'm fine -we stayed in silence for more than 10 minutes until the bell rang

CLAIRES POV* the 10 minutes the lads stayed in silence*

-you said they need me; how can i help them?- i asked looking away from the water 

- i need you to go and live with them for a while until i deceide things are right 

-go back? and do what? 

- just be yourself 

- and that will help them? 

- yes 

- then what i'm doing here- he smiled sweetly at me 

- ok you are supoussed to be her new assistent, just tell them managment asked you to make the housework for them, their holidays started today so they are all going to a beach house, you are going with them to work for them, got it? 


-then good luck Claire 

And after that i somehow flied until i was just infront of Louis appartment , i knock the door and none hear me so i rang the bell waitting for an answer that came to me with sad eyes and a confused look 

-who are you? 

-hello, i'm your new assistan, your managment send me to help you out with the house work while you are on holidays- i said confident hoping Liam could beleive me  

-oh, sure, Paul mentioned it to us, come in - I followed him until i was in front of the guys- lads Paul send us help like he said, she is...- he looked at me waiting me for tell them my name but i didnt knew if i should tell the truth then i herad His voice in my head" dont lie, just be yourself* 

-my name is Claire- they looked at me like if i was a kind of monster  

- Well Claire you can help us to pack, we leave tomorrow at 5am- Louis said 

- yes Sir- i answered- do you want me to cook something for dinner before? - i asked looking at Niall who havent looked at me since i mentioned my name 

- yea sure that sounds good after all any of us have eat today- i gave Liam a nod and left the room to the kitchen, and once there i realised what i have done, i didnt have any idea of how i was going to keep a house with my 5 idols when i was a disater myself and not ver good at cooking....but for other side i was amazed i just met my idols and didn't cried or fangirl, i was prou cause i sounded so professional answeing" sir" to louis and offering to cook but now i was in a problem.


Just as i promise a short chapter before Christmas, i hope you enjoyed and i promise to upload again soon, love you all and dont forget to vote and comment if you are reading so i can dedicate a chapter to you!! Xxx

ps= Merry Christmas everyone!!

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