chapter 13

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5 pairs of eyes were on me, i have never been ashamed of my body, in my real life i wasnt a shy girl and my body was something i had never worried about, but when you are in front of the five teenagers more gorgeous of the world, i couldn't evite it and blushed as never before. 

The five were ready for going into the sea, their perfect bodies half naked giving me a nice sight of their tone muscles, my instant reaction was to cross my arms over my chest trying to cover as much skin as possible. 

-you look amazing- Liam said sweetly 


-lets go- Harry said without taking his eyes from me. 

I was a little uncomfortable when i went out of the house, the lads following me, i could feel their eyes upon my back and even tought they couldnt see me i keep blushing more and more, once we crossed the garden they all ran in the sand going directly to the sea, splashing each other with the salt water, i walked slowly until i reached a point where the sea wouldnt touch me and sat on the hot sand. 

i watched them, soaking wet they looked even hotter if thats possible, they were laughing and shouting acting like 6 years old kids, and i liked it; i liked that side of them, not alcohol or sex references not anger or fame included, jj¿ust fun, laugh and smiles, i dont know for how long i sat there hugging my knees to my chest staring at them but when i came out of my toughts the five of them were sitting in the sand next to me, staring at the now empty sea 

-Claire?- Louis asked timidly 

-yes? - i said not looking at them 

- we talked a lot about it yesterday. ..- he continued 

- and we are really sorry for treating you like that- Harry completed 

-we just want to have fun and enjoy our vacations- Zayn said 

-and we promise to stay calm and obey you, cause we dont want this holidays to end- liam continued 

-and we really want you with us while we are here.- Niall finished, and with that last comment i looked at them, everyone looked back at me  

-we are sorry Claire- Louis said, i gave them a shy smile 

- you dont have to be sorry, its ok we all have a dark side, i promise I' ll try to make this holidays the best for you as i can- they all made a huge grin to me  

-groupal hug!- Louis shouted and in less than a second i was attacked by five strong arms. 

-who wants to swim? - Liam asked 

-me! - everyone shouted and they all ran to the water 

-are ya' coming? -Niall asked smiling at me 

-i...- i didnt want to take out my skirt, it was strange for me this body and even tough i really liked it, being with five hot guys in the beach wasnt like the best idea if i was a little insecure in that moment. .. 

-come here!! - Harry shouted , i looked at Harry, i didnt said anything, did anything and before i knew it Niall and he were running towards me, my reaction was obviously to ran away from them but i didnt made it to the house before some strong arms were around my waist 

-nooo!! - i shouted 

-you are coming with us - an Irish accent said in my ear making me blush inmediatly, Niall's arms didnt let me go and he started walking with me towards the sea, Harry was stood half the way laughing at me, i gave him a deat stare he didnt cared 

-well ... were you going anywhere? 

-haha you are soo funny Harold 

-dont call me harold- he frowend- and i know im a great comedian!! - he smiled 

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