chapter 20

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We walked back to the house, his fingers wrapped around mine, and after a minute the guys entered throw the door. I frowend and left Niall hand crossing my arms on my chest giving them a death glare 

-what?- zayn asked looking at me 

-Hiw could you do that? leaving just like that!- i shouted at them 

-we are sorry, ok? but we are fine so whats the problem- Harry said 

-ughhh i cant with you- i said and went to the kitchen, i took out some plates and put them on the table and put all the pizza that we had left in the microwave so they could eat it. after i had finished i put the food in the center and shouted- If you are hungry food is here!-Niall was the first one showing up and smiled at me  

-you are lovely- he said giving a kiss at my check 

-im starving!- Louis said and the rest entered after him, the ate all the pizza while i just took my tea 

-are you sure you are not hungy?- Liam asked for the 30th time 

-im sure Lee- i said rolling my eyes- im tired im going to bed, night guys! and you better be here at morning!- they chuckled 

-Im tired to I'll go upstairs too, night guys- Niall said and followed me upstairs, i was about to enter to my room when he made me turn and put his hands in my waist 

-goodnight beauty 

-night Nialler- i answer he gave me a kiss on the forehead and went to his room, i entered to mine and changed my clothes, as soon as i closed my eyes i went to another world. 


I dont know how but suddenly i wanst in the beach house anymore, instead i was in the golden city again. My father was there smiling at me 

-hi sweetheart 

-hi.. h-how?- i asked confused 

-i dont know, He can do this type of things... He also asked me to give you this- he said giving me a letter 

- what is it about?- i asked frowing 

-i dont know, it was wrote with special ink, just you can read it  


-and he said He is very impressed with your work and that he choosed the perfect girl 

-thank him for me please 

-sure i will love- i hugged him and after he waved at me i opened my eyes and i was back at the earth. "it was just a dream" i said to myself but then i noticed something in my hand, a letter, i sighed, this was crazy, i saw a light coming from above my curtains and i opened them 

-shit!-i said out loud the sun was shinning too much, but how? i went to sleep just some minutes before!, i sat on my bed and took the letter, it was written in a delicated and elegant handwritting and it said

"Dear Claire, 

you are doing it amazingly, im seriously proud of your job, I know you have not idea of what you are doing but it doesnt matter, is perfect, i just need to warn you about somethin, i know you like these boys, that they are you idols, but remember Claire you dont live in that world anymore, and when you have finished your work there you'll be back and stay with you father for the eternity, so be careful Claire, i know you love Niall, but this love cant be forever" 

I looked sadly at the letter 

-Niall- i whispered and sighed.-how am i going to explain you this 

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