special thanks

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Thank you to Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson , Zayn Malik and Harry Styles for always making me smile in good and hard times. 

To my friends for being my first readers and always encourage me to continue writing 

To my grandmother for reading this story and giving me her opinion 

To all my readers, even if you never commented, never voted or started reading this story when i was done with it, thank you for all your support and for taking time to read because it means a lot to me 

And last but never less, thank you to Niall James Horan, for being my inspiration for this story, and for making me believe that we all have an angel looking after us, maybe he is not with us as Claire is with him, but i know Niall saved me from being someone i don't want to be and I'm never going to stop thanking for that 

with all my love 



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