chapter 12

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I have been reading for a long time now, the sky was starting to get darker, the lads had been inside the house since an hour or so ago and i could hear their laughing, i started walking to the house.

I entered and discovered all the guys were at the kitchen, i walked towards there and hear they were talking about an..... interesting subjet: me.

i knew i shouldn't hear, it was not my conversation and it was really unpolite to hear throw the door, but i'm not going to deny i was really interested on knowing what they tought about me

-She is really sweet- liam said 

-but she is too young. ..- zayn complained 

-i agree with zayn in this one, shouldnt someone of our age see after us? - harry agreed 

- i bet she dont even know what sex mens- louis chuckled 

-not everything in life is sex Lou- liam defend me 

-no ... but what i mean is she doesnt have experiencie with boys how is she supoussed to make our vacation "relaxed and amazing" as Paul said? 

-she wont let us go to any party- Harry said angry 

-i swear she wont let us drink anything apart from chocolate or lemonade- zayn said 

-maybe we should learn from her- liam answered 

-learn? c'mon liam what is a baby supoussed to teach us?- louis said annoyed 

-well...- liam started  

-maybe to respect- niall whispered, being part of the discussion for the 1st time since i was here 

-what? -harry and louis asked in unison making fun of Niall 

-maybe she is here to show us respect and like liam said that life is not just alcohol and sex- niall said without turning up his volume  

"he is right" His voice said in my head "but it wont be easy Claire, show them who you are and dont be scared im always here if you want me to" "but.. what... how..."i replied "just be yourself,say whatever you want, go to wherever you like, be harsh or be sweet, ignore them or fell in love with them, is your decission and im not going to be part of it, jus live your life for the moment Claire". And with that, like if it was a phone call, i didnte heard his voice again.his last sentence was stuck in my mind, live your life for the moment, it was a simple sentence but i knew it from other place *live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain* Louis says, well my life had ended but this new life i wasnt going to waste it, i was going to do all what i didnt when i was the real me.

i entered to the kitchen, they all closed their mouths and just looked at me

- hey guys!

-emm .. hi- Liam answered obviously all were confused and annoyed at me interrupting their conversation like that

-are you hungry? i can cook if you want

-no thanks- zayn said sharply, this was startting to make me angry

-well the ones who dont hate me want some food? aka Niall and Liam - i whispered the second part

-what? - louis said

-that if any of you are hungry i can cook, well at least if you dont hate me or think i am going to put poission in your food - i semi shouted, Zayn Louis and Harry were getting to my nerves

-dont shout at us!- harry said defensive

-you know what- i said in a normal tone- do whatever you want, i'll be on my room if you need something- and with that i leaved them, 3 of them angry 2 of them confused, but i didnt cared, i ran to y room and slamed the door. I sat in my bed and cried, cry of confusion, of frustation, of anger, of pain....

After this life (completed) *editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora