chapter 3

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before starting i just have to say all this chapter is going to be on claires mums point of view



i was at my job, i work on a hotel as recepcionist is not the best job of the world but it give me enough for have a beautiful home, food daily and take care of my sweet daughter Claire, giving her education and the best i can.

She is the most important thing of my life, since her father died she is the only thing i care in this world. I was working hard as i always do, trying to concentrate the most, when my phone started vibrating, there wasnt many clients those days of the year so i deceide to see who was it.

i took it and read at the screen"Claire=) " the smiling face next to her name used to make me smile all time, she wrote it when she was just 9 years and i gave her her first celphone, she didnt even knew how to use it but she was happy calling me and her friends, I quickly answered but it wasnt my daughter voice on the other side of the phone, it was a guy

- mmm... hello?

- who is? - i asked confused, why a guy was calling me from my daughters phone?

- sorry madame your daughter asked me and a friend to please phone you,she just fainted we already phoned the ambulance we are at the park near the street of the cinema and we are taking her to the hospital

- which hospital?- i asked worried

- the one which is infront of the supermarket

- fine her docotor is there, ill see you there in a minute- i didnt even said thanks and i hanged up.

I dont know exactly from where i took strenght enough and ran out of there not hearing about what my boss was saying and only thinking of my daughter.

I arrived to the hospital in exactly 10 minutes that were the most long minutes of my life, i didnt knew what had happened to my little girl, i didnt knew who was going to bring her to the hospital and i could lose my job for leaving like that, all what i wanted was to see her face smiling to me once more.

For a mother the most difficult thing that could happen in your life is to know your sons are not perfectly fine, and to know that you can lose them in any second, more after you lose the only men you ever loved is something really depressing; but Claire, oh my little princess she is so sweet that even knowing she will die in less than a month she keeps telling me not to worry, that she is alright and that when she has left me i should make my life from zero with a new start and a new family.All what she asks for is me to be happy even knowing i wont see her again.

When i arrived at the emergency room of the hospital i saw there just two guys worried and a nurse trying to confort them.

- sorry im searching for my daughter, Claire, an ambulance was supoussed to brought her a minute ago

- yes she is here, this guys brought her, but they say they dont know what happened to her, she loose concious and we can not wake her up, do you have any explanation that could help?

My heart stopped, my daugther was unconcious, a tear escapped from my eye, i turned and saw the guys, i knew them, i havent meet them before, but they were two of the boy band my daughter never stops talking about and loves too much

- Thank you, thank you so much- i told them, then turned and tell the nurse- yes i know, she has cancer, her doctor said she wont live even a month- i took out my phone and called the doctor the nurse ran and tell the doctor who was checking her, the new information i just gave her.

In less than an hour her doctor was there trying to bring her to this world again, there were 2 nurses trying to keep me calmed and those guys that i couldnt remember their names,even when my daughter sings their songs and talk about them all day, they were as worried as if it was their sister the one sick,not knowing what to do.

I thanked them again and told the they should go home, but they didnt want to do so, they insisted they wanted to know if Claire was fine, but in that moment anyone could answer that.

Suddenly the phone of one of the guys rang making me jump of the chair were i was waiting until the doctor could let me go in and see my daughter. He started talking with someone on the phone while the other guy gave him strange looks, in that moment i could understand why my daughter liked them, they were really gorgeous and of course im too old for them but if i was 16 or 17 years i would be also crazy for them, plus knowing they have such a good heart it makes them even better, after all not everyone stops to see if the other one, a strange, needs help and help him and worry about him like they have done with my daughter.


and here i am again!!! sorry i know is not a good chapter but i needed it so i can write next one hope you didnt hate it and you continue reading please dont forget to comment i would absolutly love to have more readers love you all Xxxx

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