chapter 9

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Before i started cooking i washed my hands and took my hair in a ponytail, thats when i noticed my hair, i almost shouted, it wasnt my hair, i walked to a mirror that was on the wall and look at myself "shit" i tought, i wasnt me, my hair wasn't black, long and curly as i was used to, instead it was brown like Louis hair and straight like Alice Cullen on twilight, my eyes had changed too, the were not my brown ones they were green and big beautiful eyes. I looked at myself and think "well this isn't bad" and a voice answered in my head "i tought they will get shocked if you looked like yourself" "wait why i can hear you?" i asked looking around " haha dont look for me im still up here, i know you might need some help i hope this is enough" a little golden bottle appeared in my hand "what is this?" "it will make your food taste good" "perfect, thanks" "go to work" i did, i took out a pot and put water on it, I have seen my mom doing this lots of times a pasta couldnt be that difficult.

After some minutes i took out the pasta just to see it was a perfect shit... seriously i wouldn't eat that never, i took out the golden bottle from my pocket and took out of it salt, well it wasnt salt but it looked like it and with my finger i spread it all around the food, magically it became perfect, it even smelled wonderful i smiled and said in a whisper "thanks god" "no problem" his voice answered in my head and i freaked out a little, i wasnt going to get comfortable, I'm not used to this connection . I served the food and put five plates on the table, the guys have been watching a programme in silence i entered to the room and said 

- food is ready- they all walked to the table and sat on their places  

- emm ... join us?- Liam said not really sure of what he was doing, i smiled at him, he was a total gentlemen 

- no thank you, I'll start to pack Louis things so i can go to any of your houses and help you- and with a nod i leaved the room and went to Louis bedroom, it was easy to find it, the first door i opened was it, and it was a mess, clothes all around the floor and i didnt even wanted to know if those boxers were clean or not. .. i gave it a look and then tought it wasnt going to kill me to clean up; so thats what i did, all the clothes on the floor i just threw them on the washing machine not asking if there was something clean. 

I found a suitcase in a chair at the corner of the room and took it, and started throwing clothes at it, when Louis entered to the room with the rest of the boys some steps after, he entered and without a word he started to check what i have packed for him 

-what the...?- Niall started when he saw the room all cleaned up, louis looked at me  

- how you knew i was going to like this clothes?- i haven't tought about it, i just have been watching after them all my life and i knew exactly how the will dress so i just have put on what i knew he would like, but i couldnt tell them that 

-It just feel right- i answered he was confused and amazed 

-are you saying you have a kind of power to know how i am when you met me an hour or so ago? 


-Lets prove that! -harry suggested- lets go to my place and you will do same with me and see if it works with me 

-yes sir- i answered, i closed the suitcase and left the room, when i walked into the kitchen to clean the plates the guys have used i noticed Niall was walking towards me 


-yes sir? 

-please dont call me like that 

-sorry sir 

-Niall, just Niall 

-Niall- a little smile appeared at my lips 

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