chapter 19

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Have you ever feel like you shouldnt say something but after saying it you feel better and you dont regreat it? well thats exactly what happened between Niall and me that day, after i told him i already liked him, he was more than surprised.

- then why you dont want to kiss me? 

-who told you i dont want? 

-well you didnt let me a moment ago so. . 

- Niall i ust woke up, i havent clean my teeth, i can NOT leave you kiss me like this- i said pointing to my mouth 

-what?- he asked amused, a beautiful smile apearing in his perfect lips, i rolled my eyes 

-lets eat something- i said trying to hide my blushing, i went to the kitchen he following me, i could feel his eyes in my back the whole time.

I took out some eggs and bacon, deceiding that was easy and fast. I started cooking concentrated in not to burn my bacon when Niall spoke again. 

-you know, like we have the house for ourselves and today is really hot i was thinking of swimming at the pool after breakfas, want to join me?- i nodded not actually hearing what he said. We ate in silence he looked at me everytime his fork wasnt in his mouth making me blush every now and then. After finishing he ran upstairs while i finished cleaning the plates. 

-are you coming?- he asked a minute before 

-where?- i asked confused and turned to him, and what a surprised, he was there half naked, his perfect chest visible and his sunglasses on his eyes looking as a movie hot character, leaving me speechless 

-to the pool, as i told you soke minutes ago.. 

-ohh.. i mm.. - he sighed 

-go change, i'll wait you outside 

I went to my room and put on a stripped bikini, it was nice, but after looking at Niall's perfection i didnt felt totally comfortable, i took a towel and went downstairs, the towel wrapped to my chest in a try to cover it until water could do it, Niall was sitting in a chair, and he looked more than hot.  

Shit i shouldnt think about my boss like that.  

he heard my footsteps and turned to me, he gave me a huge smile and took his sunglasses off letting them in the chair next to his phone, and walked towards me. 

He took my hand making me wrap the towel thightly with the other. 

-Leave that- he said trying to take the towel for leaving it with his things, i shooked my head- why not?- i stayed silent he took the oportunity of my seconds of distraction to take the towel leaving me just in my bikini, he left the towel in the chair and looked t me.- you look amazing- he said making me blush as a watermelon  

-thanks - i said crossing my arms on my chest 

- dont be shy- he said taking both of my hands making me expose myself, he smiled at me- come here.  

He jumped into the water and i as a lady came in with the stairs, it felt amazing the cold water against my skin, the hot weather not being so evident. he started swimming from here to there once and other again, while i stared at him, his wet hair making him look even more gorgeous. 

I was so stuck in my toughts about him that i didnt noticed he had stopped and was staring back at me 


-what were you thinking that made you smile so much?- he asked a grin in his face 

-nothing- i lied 

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