chapter 10

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When i opened my eyes we were parking, everyone was still sleeping i looked over to Louis and Harry both were resting their heads on their windows while their legs were together, Liam at my right was with his eyes closed, head on the window and he was using his hoodie as pillow he looked so peaceful ... and the i looked at Niall, eyes closed,head resting on the window, his hands under his head as pillows, legs at the top of couch and his feet slighty touching my knees, his lips a little open, i smiled and let out a little sigh i heard voices in the front seconds before Paul opened the door of the back making Liam to jump  

-We are here- he announced 

-you could have wake me before openning the door!-Liam complained  

-just wake the rest I'll put the suitcases on your rooms -LIam smiled at me  

-what you think if i wake up Zayn and you wake the rest? 

-sure - i answered he went out of the car and start trying to make Zayn move. I move from my place and start waking Louis  

-hey! LOuis! we arrived! - i shaked a litlle bit his shoulder 

-Mhhh??? - he said without openning the eyes 

- we are at the beach house 

- we are here! - he said sitting in a fast move and inmediatly started shaking Harry 

-harryyyyy we are heeere lets the party beging!!! 

-Let me sleep lou! 

-but harryyy we are at the beach! aka seeing loads of girls in bikinis! hearing that harry woke up and run out of the car with louis following him " oh well that was easy" i tought i turned and looked at Niall, i didnt want to wake him up but i had to 

-Niall, Niall, Niall- i tried shaking his shulder and calling him , no answer -Niall we arriived- anything- Niall we are at the beach house- not a single move, i sighed 

-He's like the sleeping beauty, theres just one thing that will wake him up-liam said with zayn on his shoulder and still half asleep 

- a kiss? - i asked confused 

- that could work but i was thinking on food- he said with a wink and left , i looked at niall 

- Niall we are at the beach house, im preapering food- i tried and for my surprise he moved 


- we arrived- i said with a little smile 

- someona metioned food? 

-yes, are you hungry? 

-im always hungry- he said now full awake, i nod at him and we left the car just to be amazed with a huge beach house  

- woooooooow 

-Paul has good taste ehh?? - he said smiling at me 

- definitly- he went into the house and i followed him, the guys were having an argument on who should have which room  

-Guys shut up! - Paul shouted and they did- now Claire is going to choose her room and then you can fight for yours- everyone looked at me i was about to say i didnt care when Paul took my wrist and guide me to one room in the second floor at the end of the hall, he opened the door and said 

- this is the main room, the onlyone who has bathroom , this is yours even when the guys want this but you need your space- i nodded not able of making words all the lads ran and came into my room 

- what? no! it isnt fair this is her room! - zayn argued 

- it is,and not buts, now choose your rooms! - they leaved and ran starting to fight for one of the 6 rooms that were left, at the end the rooms near at the stairs were louis and harry, then Liam and zayn and last Niall and one was left with anyone on it, so Nialls room was the nearest to mine, and in the same side of Niall's was Louis and Liam's rooms in front of Louis harry and in front of Liam Zayn, everyone started unpacking when Paul shouted to us to comw downstairs. 

everyone sat at the couch on the tv room and Paul stayed in front of the tv i just stayed at the door akwardly  

- im leaving now, but from now Claire is on charge, whatever she says is law and if i know any of you didnt made what she said holidays are over for you, got it? 

- yes- they all answer in unison 

- Claire i want to know everthing they do and if they dont hear you, i can be here in some hours and you'll have to pack, well guys have a nice time and try to not kill the poor girl ok?- they all hugged him and told they werent going to burn the house or kill me, Paul leaved and they all looked at me, i stayed there awkwardly not knowing what to do or say  

-and now.... - louis said breaking the unconfortable silence 

- have you finished unpacking? - i ask feeling like my mother ,a chourous of no and almost were sang - well you can finish that while i cook something. .. 

- DEAL~ Niall said while running upstairs once again and the rest following him. 

I went to the kitchen and looked to the place, it was really big and somehow confortable, everything you could need was there and someone had buy all the ingredients to do a perfect meal. 

I washed my hands and started cooking, i deceided to do hamburgers with french fries, those lads eat tons and it was simple because my mom once showed me a recipe of my grandmother plus i had a little help from my golden bottle. The recipe had some strange ingredients, and i say strange cause in a normal hamburger you never find them but my mother did them like that and i loved it that way. Seconds after i finished and was putting the little golden bottle on my pocket Niall came running and saying how hungry he was and complaining that he shouldnt be starving, a minute after Liam and Louis came in and some seconds after the other two followed them, everyone sat at the table and started preapering their hamburgers while having a noisy talk,i sat with them in one of the 3 places left, when they started chewing everyone made faces of impression and amazed 

- this is amazing! - Louis said giving another bite to his 

- best hamburgers i have ever eat!- Liam agreed 

-how you made them? - harry asked interested  

-its an old family recipe 

- well your family may be old but this hamburgers are amazing! - i chuckled at his answer 

-almonds? - Niall asked discovering one of the" secret" ingredients  


- and purple onion i taste?  

- yup... - i said amazed he had recognized the ingredient 

- dont look so surprised i can distinguish every ingredient of the world- he presumed  

- oh really? 

- really - he threat me  

- we can test that- i said with the same tone 

- you dont beleive it? 

- we'll see


hi guys! im sorry for making you wait so long but im on school again and it's not funny at all, im really sorry for my mistakes but i write on my phone and sometimes i for doing it quickly i do it wrong, i should be uploading once again this week even knowing is my birthday but i'll try, thanks for reading dont forget to comment and vote Lots of love!! 

ps= sorry for writing so much on my AN thanks if your read it till the end ;) Xxxx

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