chapter 22

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i didnt wanted to see what was happening i could feel pain in my knee, but everything happpened too quickly, before i knew it Zayn was carryig me out of there the others running after us; Louis drove home faster than ever and when we were about to arrive liam asked

-did he hurted you?- it seemed like they havent seen the knife i nodded

-where?- Harry asked worried

-my knee - i whispered before all of them look at it, there was blood everywhere and they were worried

-hospital? - louis asked

-no- i said- Niall, please- they exchanged a look and in less than a minute we were at home Zayn took me out of the car and into the house dropping me at a couch, instantanly liam started to check my knee with Louis help while Harry ran to find Niall at the kitchen

-it hurts- i said looking at my leg, there was a lot of blood but the injury wasnt that big

-Claire!!!- Niall said worried going quickly to my side i didnt even looked up to him my eyes always in the blood that was. . strangly but dissapearing-what happened?- he asked looking at my knee

-whats happening?- Louis asked scared the wound was getting smaller, the blood disapearing and anyone was touching me.

The five lads were looking at me scared, worried Louis and Harry seemed to be about to ran away, Zayn was a little courious while Liam and Niall were worried as hell

-C-Can you explain that?- louis said pointing to my knee that was getting better and now insted of a cut seemed more like a bruise

-C-Claaaire?w-Whats ha-happening?- Liam asked

"you cant keep the secret forever Claire, its time to tell them" his voice said in my head, i gave another look to my leg, it was perfect now, like nothing have ever happened i looked up and stared at the five lads infront of me, i sighed

-sit down guys, i have to explain you. .. some things-they were scared, worried and Louis was that pale that i tought he was going to faint, but they sat all in front of me- guys, remember the day we met?

And like that i started the story, it told them all the truth

-do you remember when i met you?- they were all in silence staring at me- thag same day something happened to 2 of you

-Claire- Niall whispered everyone looked at him- not her the other Claire- he explained and i nodded

-thats right, you met a girl, a girl that was your fan, and she dies; she left you somethin that meant a lot to her to thank you all what you have done for her

-H-how can you know that?- zayn asked scared i sighed

-because im her, i know is hard to beleive; just let me explain you all and then you'll deceide to beleive or not- they didnt said a word everyone was shocked, Niall was as pale as never and i continued- when i was at the hospital, i died, we could say i half died because even tought i wasnt concious i was still here, like in a limbo between death and life, and there i saw my dad, he asked me if i was ready to died and i say no, so i came back for some seconds where i said goodbye to my mum and asked her to give you my box that was under my bed; then i died- it was strange to live it but i was more odd to tell it" hey im dead" like wut? - and i met God, i know yoy might think im crazy, but it was him and he showed me this weird lake where i saw you opening my box and he asked me to came back to the earth and live with you, i didnt and still dont know why, he just asked me to be myself, so thats what i did and keep doing it

-so you are..-louis asked looking at niall not at me

-dead, yeah- i whispered not trusting in my voice anymore i felt some tears about to came out

-hows that possible?- zayn asked

-i have not idea, it just happened- i said and an uncomfortable silence was born.. after some minutes of not words and me looking at the floor while the others stared at me liam said

-are you staying with us?- i looked up at him frowing in confusion- i mean, like, you have a life?

-no i dont- i answered my voice breaking at the end- im here just for a period, until i am useless for you

thats when i took all my power and looked at niall that was looking back at me, sad eyes with confused look; just by looking at him like that i felt weak as never and i had the emergency of crying, Liam seemed to notice my fragile condition and went to my side and hugged me for a brief moment before turning to the boys and saying

-she's still our Claire, we wont let you leave us that easy- he added looking at me he smiled and hugged me again before going to his room and closing the door after him. Harry smiled at me and patted my back in a friendly way before coping liams actions and leaving the room

-do you..- louis started the shut up

-you can ask whatever you want lou- i told him he sighed and smiled a little to me making me sigh in relief he was really pale a second ago

-do you have magical powers? apart from that- he said pointing to my knee where there was not a cut anymore i smiled at him

-not that i know, but i have this- i said pulling out from my purse my little golden bottle

-whats that?- zayn asked curious, he seemed to be the less shaken up about this

-im not sure but its what makes my food to taste good, i use it to cook

-oooooh- both said in unison, niall was silent just looking at me, and when i looked back louis and zayn stared at us

-we.. hmm... we'll live you alone, i think you have some talking to do- louis said and pulled zayn out of the room with him, a moment after i heard a pair of door closing and i knew it was just Niall and me.

we stayed in silence for a long time not really knowing what to say, but i was worried about him, even when now he had his normal tone again

-are you alright?- i asked the only answer i had was silence- Niall...- i started again but he talked

-why you didnt told me before?

-because i was scared of you treating me like a monster if i did

-so you waited until i was maddly in love with you to tell me you are a ghost?- i stayed silent, love?? did he just said he loved me?

-im not a ghost- was all i could say and i walked out of there and went to the beach, i sitted there for a while until i was sure Niall had gone to his room and then i went back to the house.

When i walked past Niall's door i heard him sobbing, the worst sound i have ever heard, i couldnt stay there hearing him like that so without thinking i came into his room and ran to him and without caring the look he was giving me i hugged him, i hugged him as if my life depended of that.


ok so you now have right to kill me, im sorry for not uploading before im not going to lie i was lazy and didnt wrote even tought i already had the idea.

please vote, comment and tell everyone about it; you can also send me your death treaths if you want cause this time i deserve them


love you all!! and i promise ill upload soon


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