chapter 31

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i was glad Claire had given me one of the groups with the most big childs, but that dind stopped me from feeling weird, like i should be mature, and that was something i most of the time sucked at

-can we play?- aa little boy asked from the back of the classroom taking me out of my thinking from the desk

-sure, what do you want to play?-i asked

-with the dolls!- a girl exclaimed

-no! i want to be hulk!- one of the tallest boy argued

-can i be a princess?- the blonde girl in the front asked shy

-i have an idea- i said grinning


how am i supoussed to deal with this kids all day? seriously how?

-so..hmm..want to play something?- i asked to my group they all nodded but stayed silent - are you normally this quiet?- i asked not beleiving they werent screaking or crying they didnt answered- ok, so is anything disturbing you?- i asked sitting on the floor so i was at their eye level, they looked at each other then a girl said

-why you painted your arm?

-sorry?- i asked

-teacher doesnt like us painting our hands, she say it is wrong and just for bad people- a boy said worried - i giggled

- dont worry, im not a bad kid

-but why paint arms then?- another girl asked i smiled

-because i like it

-can we paint our arms?- a boy asked excited, i tought it for a second

-no, we cant because your teacher would be mad- and claire will kill me i added for myself

-can you show us yours?- the same asked

-sure - i smiled and they sat on a circle around me on the floor


-hi everyone, my name is Zayn, and i'll be your teacher today- i said confident in the front when everyone had sit- so first of all i would like you to tell me your name,ok? so why dont we start with you- i said pointing to the girl in the right corner

-im Alice- she said, i smiled

-and you?- i asked to the boy after her


-I'm Juliette- the brunette of the last place on that line smiled; and like that everyone introduced theirselves

-great guys now that we all know each other, i am going to give you some sheets of paper and you´ll draw 3 things that you like and we´ll talk about them latedr ok ?- all their little head nodded and some smiled at the mention of painting and as i had said i gave each a paper and they all took out colours.


-can you explain me why we have this group?- i whispered in claires ear 

- because i like babies and is the only group which need from two people taking care of them- she answered while carrying a little girl who yawned

-but they will all cry!

-thats the ponit niall- she said sweetly- to have them calmed and happy so they dont cry - she kissed my forhead and went to the back of the room were there were some feeding bottles and bibs to feed the girl that was about to felt asleep on her arms, i couldnt stop myself but smile at the cute way she looked when she had her mum side on.- niall, could you sit the rest on their baby chairs please?- she asked not even looking at me

-sure- i answered and took two little boys one on each arm and sat them down, then went to grab another pair and like that until all the gourp was sitting including the girl claire had been carrying

-put them each a bib while i finish heating the meal nialler- she said passing me a bunch of bibs i nodded and did my work while she heated the milk 

-let me help you- she said smiling when she saw i wasnt that good whit this type of things, she put her hand on top of mines and guided them slowly to the baby neck and put the bib sweetly on him

-thanks- i giggled- im not really good 

-you are, just need practice- she smiled and took all the bottles with her hands giving one to each baby, they all started drinking like there was no tomorrow,once they had finished their bottles (which didnt took so long) Claire carried one by one each of them and layed them on the old cribs the clasroom had all over the place, kissing the forehead of every kid before carrying another, once everyone was laying and most were sleeping she just stayed there and looked at them with a worried look on her eyes, like those kids were all hers; i went to hug her from behind making her smile a little,and whispered on her ear 

-i love you- she smiled at me and pecked my lips

-i love you too


hey guys! i know it sucked, and is really short but i needed the point of view of each gu for you to understan next chapter, i didnt forgot liam is just i wrote his POV last chapter.

I am at school again so sorry if my updates are slow (more than before, i know, i know, im a terrible person) but i´ll try to write each time i have time, there are like 4 or 5 chapters left and i have really good news for you:


i wont start writting it that soon but i will do one 

thanks for reading, and sorry once again

love you all!!


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