chapter 4

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ok so i know last chapter wasn't my biggest succes but i hope this one is better we are again in Claires POV hope you enjoy it!!


Claires POV

A light, a white and bright light was just in front of me and i could see, in the start of the light a shadow, i couldn't recognize who was,it i was too far away from it so i walked towards it, I had give just a step when I heard a voice

-we are loosing her

-Claire!! my honey dont leave me! !

the last one was my mums voice, she was asking me to return with her but I wasnt afraid of keeping walking, actually I wanted to continue that way.

I gave another step.

The shadow of the person that was in front of me suddenly was closer, I could see better, it was a men and he opened his arms to me.

I stopped.

And with a swift move of head he talked to me

- are you afraid of the dead?

-should I be?


-then no I am not afraid

-do you want to continue? you want to come with me?- I doubt it for a minute

-yes I want

- then why are you doubting it?

- because I wanted to say thank you to those guys and goodbye to my mom

-I can make half of that, tell your mother you'll be fine that she don't have to worry and that you will take care of her the rest of her life

-but...- for a second I saw his face, it was him, my father, smiling at me and then the white light was gone and I was in this world once again.

I opened the eyes and I saw a red but smiling face of my mother and 5 faces I didnt recognize, but by their aspect all of them were doctors. after a minute I saw some nurses and I could feel the things around me, I was happy I could say goodbye but I didn't have so much time, I knew i had just some minutes left

-mom - I whispered

-I'm here sweetie

- I saw dad, he let me come and say goodbye, I want you to be happy, dont worry I'll be in a better place, and I promise i will always see after you

-no, no! you can't leave me

- I will mom and I dont want you to cry, be happy make your life again and never forget that i love you and what i want for you

-Claire, my little baby...

-and mom

-yes sweetheart?

-thank Liam and Niall for me and give to them the box that is under my bed

-i will don't worry

-we are loosing her! - a doctor said, i smiled to my mom and with my last breath I said

- i love you mom thanks for everything


hello everyone!! i know this is short but i promise from now i will upload faster; this is just the begining hope you like my fanfic, for a dediaction just ask me or fan; Lots of love XX

After this life (completed) *editing*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon